2: Confused Cas

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Castiel: Dean.

Dean: what's up Cas?

Castiel: Why does my cellular phone keep continuously beeping?

Dean: your probably getting messages

Castiel: *you're

Dean: Cas, I don't need you being a grammar nazi

Castiel: Dean, I can assure you, I am an Angel of The Lord. I am not a nazi.

Dean: Cas it was- never mind, forget it

Castiel: Why should I forget your message?

Dean: don't worry about it

Castiel: Why would I worry about a message?

Castiel: Dean?

Castiel: Dean, are you alright?

Castiel: ...Dean?

Dean: what Cas?

Castiel: Where did you disappear to? You were not answering my messages...

Dean: I was eating pie, sorry

Castiel: Sam had gotten you cake though, did he not?

Dean: I went out and got myself pie instead

Dean: by the way, there's cake if you want any

Castiel: No, but thank you Dean

Dean: no problem babe

Castiel: ....

Dean: .....

Castiel: .....Dean

Dean: I'll talk to you later Cas...!

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