22: what?

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Castiel: Dean, are you okay?

Dean: I'm fine, why?

Castiel: You are acting strange

Dean: What do you mean?

Castiel: You are singing at random times and mentioning events from years ago

Dean: I don't... What are you talking about?

Castiel: You were talking about the very first time we met, asking me what I said

Dean: uh Cas buddy, are you okay?

Castiel: Yes Dean

Dean: I think you need to go relax for awhile..


Sam: Dean, what is up with you?

Dean: whatcha mean?

Sam: your acting differently..

Dean: ?

Sam: you'll sing, mention demons or ghosts when a light flickers, your mentioning things from ages ago..

Dean: first Cas, now you?

Sam: I'm worried for you Dean

Dean: I don't even know what your talking about!!!


Gabriel: Deano

Dean: what are you gonna say I'm acting strange to?

Gabriel: uh.. No that's all the time but, how is your little memory loss?

Dean: my what?

Gabriel: I wanted Samoose and Cassie boy to think you were crazy so I made you act like a fan and then I wiped your mind

Dean: ...I lost you, what?

Gabriel: nevermind >:) have fun crazy pants

Dean: .....

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