48: baby!

158 14 3

Sam: Cas?

Castiel: Yes Sam?

Sam: do you know where Dean is?

Castiel: Yes, he is at the hospital.

Sam: is he okay?!

Castiel: Of course, he is okay. He is resting from his cesarean section to give birth.

Sam: really?

Castiel: Yes Sam, he is sleeping right now but the infant is a female.

Sam: name her yet?

Castiel: Dean wants to name her Erin. I would like Celeste however.

Sam: I like Erin

Castiel: Celeste is a wonderful name.

Sam: Dean isn't gonna let you name your kid Celeste

Castiel: 😢

Sam: maybe he'll let you make that her middle name though

Castiel: 🙂

Sam: I'll visit soon, okay?

Castiel: Yes Sam.

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