37: excuse the lack of name because im just not creative

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Sam: what

Dean: I'm frigging dying

Sam: what did you do now

Dean: vommmiitttt

Sam: your not dying

Dean: it feels like ittt

Sam: stop complaining, you were the idiot who got pregnant

Dean: blame Cas! He wanted to top and I was like fine that's okay I mean it's fair but did I think this would happen? nO BECAUSE MEN ARENT SUPPOSED TO GET PREGNANT

Sam: it would be great if you stop telling me about your sex life

Dean: sHUT UP

Sam: just got eat some pie

Dean: uajdmntnlfldkandnfkgif


Sam: can you get Dean to shut up?

Castiel: What is he doing?

Sam: he's screaming in his room about the damn kid

Castiel: I will be there momentarily

Sam: thank you



"wHAT CAS?!"

"I believe you should calm down.. I understand you are in pain but yelling about it will not help"




"Please calm down"


Dean flops face first onto his bed, he groans.

Castiel takes a seat next to Dean.

"I apologize Dean.."


"It is my fault you are pregnant"

"Cas stop.."

"I believe I shouldn't have-"


"I apologize"

"I don't care that this happened, okay? Don't be sorry, don't say you shouldn't have done anything because I mean, we're gonna have a fucking kid and they're gonna fucking amazing and, if you really feel bad and shit or whatever for getting me pregnant, you shouldn't cause like this is pretty cool"

Castiel couldn't help but find a small smile on his lips. He was glad Dean wasn't mad at him and he was elated that Dean actually wanted the child.

"I swear Cas, I could never hate you and if I really could, it wouldn't be over this, you know that, I wouldn't care if I got pregnant cause like I said this is pretty cool"

Dean got up and say properly next to Castiel.

"I love you Dean"

Dean smiled and nodded, he hugged Castiel.

"I know Cas, I do too"


Dean has changed Castiel's name to My Angel💚

Castiel has changed Dean's name to 💙Dean💚

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