13: emojis

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Dean: hey Cas

Castiel: Hello Dean

Dean: I'm back

Castiel: I've noticed your presence

Dean: sorry I didn't come and see ya right when I got back, needed a little time to clean myself up

Castiel: I understand

Dean: you aren't mad, are you?

Castiel: Why would I be mad? You did not sleep with anyone whilst on your hunt, did you?

Dean: hell no Cas! I would never do that

Castiel: I cannot tell if you are being truthful

Dean: would I lie to you?

Castiel: Yes

Dean: oh, wow, you've got trust issues

Castiel: No, I do not, you merely lie quite a bit

Dean: whoops

Castiel: Did you or did you not sleep with anyone else?

Dean: no Cas, I didn't

Castiel: Okay Dean

Dean: I have to take a shower then we can make up for lost time, kay?

Castiel: I would like that

Dean: ;)

Castiel: 😉

Dean: no fair, your winky is cooler

Castiel: 😮

Dean: okay mister, two can play at that game

Dean: 😈

Castiel: 😇

Dean: 😴

Castiel: 👅💦

Dean: ..... 😳 Cas!

Castiel: Yes Dean?

Dean: I didn't think you'd send something like that!

Castiel: What do you mean? I sent what I thought made sense

Dean: Cas, you just sent a sex text

Castiel: Oh

Castiel: 👉👌?

Dean: Cas, c'mon, I've gotta shower..

Castiel: *you're

Dean: okay, I'm turned off now

Castiel: ....

Castiel: ☝️

Castiel: 💋💦👅👄✨👉👌👊

Dean: ....where did you learn how to use emojis for.... This?

Castiel: I learned this and various other things from the pizza man Dean

Dean: of course you did

Castiel: Take your shower now Dean, I believe I am becoming what you call "horny"

Dean: yea yea! Right away!

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