20: Drunk Dean

290 19 0

Dean: Cas...

Dean: cAS

Dean: CAS


Dean: BABE

Castiel: Yes Dean?

Dean: where are you?

Castiel: I am in Heaven

Dean: well get your feathery ass down here

Castiel: Why?

Dean: because I wanna fuxk

Castiel: What?

Dean: sec

Castiel: Dean?

Dean: intosng

Castiel: Have you gotten drunk again?

Dean: I want sec

Castiel: Dean..

Dean: yes

Castiel: Go to bed

Dean: but

Castiel: I'll have intercourse with you once you're sober

Dean: fINNEE


Dean: Sam

Dean: sAMMY

Sam: what?

Dean: pie

Sam: it's on the counter in the kitchen

Dean: thank

Sam: no problem..


Castiel: Dean?

Dean: ye

Castiel: You are not sleeping..

Dean: eaten pie

Castiel: You need to sober, go and sleep it off

Dean: but I'm hUNGRYY

Castiel: Yes, I understand but sleep will help you

Dean: but I don't wanna slepeoeoepeopepplcjxj

Castiel: Dean..

Dean: cAS

Castiel: I will not have intercourse with you then

Dean: bby nu

Castiel: Go to bed

Dean: fune

Castiel: Goodnight

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