11: Love?

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Sam: Cas? Where's Dean?

Castiel: He left on a stress hunt earlier today, he is on his way back now

Sam: a stress hunt?

Castiel: There are periods of time where Dean because very stressed and he leaves on hunts to relieve and manage his stress

Sam: ah, I didn't know he did it or that reason, good to know

Castiel: Dean has sent me a green heart today after I told him I loved him, I sent him a smiling face, is that a proper response?

Sam: yea, I don't see what's wrong with that

Castiel: I told him I love him over the phone and his exact words were "Uh huh, I gotta go"

Sam: he doesn't say I love you, Cas

Castiel: I do not know if he loves me as well Sam

Sam: Cas, trust me, Dean loves you, a lot

Castiel: How can you tell?

Sam: well he's always so happy whenever you're around, he saves his smiles for you, he tries to be close to you whenever you're around, he cares about you Cas

Castiel: Thank you for telling me Sam, I love Dean very much

Sam: I know you do Cas

Castiel: Do you love my brother, Gabriel?

Sam: yea, I do, don't tell Dean I admitted that

Castiel: Why would I tell Dean?

Sam: he makes fun of me for it

Castiel: Oh, that is not very nice

Sam: oh well, used to it

Castiel: That is not a good thing to get used to

Sam: trust me, it doesn't bother me much anymore

{Incoming call from Dean}

{Accept or Decline?}

Castiel: Dean is calling me, I will be a moment

{Call accepted}

Hello Dean

Hey Cas!

Are you almost home?

Almost buddy, hang tight

Okay Dean

Hey Cas?

Yes Dean?

I miss you

I miss you too Dean

I'm sorry for leaving like that last week, I need a break

It is alright Dean

You sure? I'm making it up to you

Dean, you do not have to do anything

No, I'll make it up to you

Okay Dean

Well, I'm on the road again, an hour away

I will see you soon, do not call me again while you are driving, it is a distraction to you

Got it

I love you Dean

I'll see you soon



{Call ended}

Castiel: I apologize Sam

Sam: it's okay

Castiel: Dean is on his way home

Sam: alright

Castiel: I have to go prepare something

Sam: okay

Castiel: Goodbye

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