42: what

159 13 1

Dean: yo Sam

Sam: what do you want Dean

Dean: I'm like really bored, don't we have any like games or some shit

Sam: shit

Dean: what

Sam: nothing


Sam: why is Dean acting like a typical teen?

Cas: His mindset is regressing Sam

Sam: fuck

Cas: What would you like me to do?

Sam: I don't know


Dean: Cas

Cas: Yes Dean?

Dean: let's do shit

Cas: What do you mean?

Dean: I'm fucking bored as hell I wanna hang out with my boo

Cas: ....


Cas: He just called me "boo"

Sam: holy fuck

Cas: Do I hang out with him?

Sam: I guess


Dean: babe?

Cas: Yes Dean?

Dean: seriously I really wanna hang out, I wanna watch movies with you

Cas: Alright, I will be there in a moment

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