26: Eating out

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Dean: Sammmmmmmm

Sam: what?

Dean: I'm starving

Sam: go eat

Dean: but we don't have anything

Sam: go on a food run

Dean: I'm too lazy

Sam: oh well

Dean: let's go out to eat

Sam: would rather not

Dean: c'mon Sammy

Sam: fine, whatever, as long as it's not Mexican


Sam huffed, glaring at his brother. "And it's Mexican"

"Everybody but you voted it, oh well"

"Stay away from the bathroom then Dean"

"No I don't think I will"

Sam rolled his eyes and groaned. "Great"

Gabriel couldn't help but laugh. "Have fun with that Samoose"

Castiel wasn't sure why this bothered Sam. He would have to ask him later.

"Shut up Gabe"

"Wow, and there go my feelings"


Sam: Dean!!!

Dean: yea?

Sam: what the hell man? Did we seriously have to have Mexican, you stunk the whole damn bunker

Dean: whoops

Sam: we aren't ever eating out at a Mexican place again

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