33: bake master

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Dean: sAM

Sam: what Dean?

Dean: I've made pie!!

Sam: that's nice

Dean: I'm serious, I made it myself! I am THE bake master

Sam: okay


Dean: cAS

Castiel: Yes Dean?

Dean: I made pie!

Castiel: You are able to bake?

Dean: yes I am! I made apple pie and it's good

Castiel: That is good

Dean: wanna try it?

Castiel: I do not need to eat

Dean: yea but can you still try it?

Castiel: Yes Dean, I will try the pie you have made

Dean: awesome, come to the kitchen


Castiel went to the kitchen moments after Dean had asked him. He wasn't too keen on eating anything but it didn't matter if it made Dean happy.

"Damn forgot how fast you are-.... Here's a slice" Dean said, handing a plate and fork to Castiel.

Castiel took the plate and stared at the pie. He hesitated for a moment but he eventually took a bite, not really tasting the pie rather he was tasting every individual flavor and molecule.


"Every single molecule is interesting yet simple and.. Nice, I like your pie Dean"

Dean grinned. "Hell yea you do"

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