17: Why this movie?

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Castiel: Dean....

Dean: Cas, I'm right here, you can talk

Castiel: I do not want to interrupt this movie you put on

Dean: I can just pause it though and we could actually talk

Castiel: No, this is better

Dean: okay...?

Castiel: Why did you choose such a sexual and graphic movie?

Dean: ....dunno

Castiel: Dean, I am sure that you do know

Dean: .....

Castiel: Dean, please tell me

Dean: Cas I rather not

Dean: Cas why are you leaving?


"Cas! Wait, come on!" Dean sighed, getting up

Castiel stopped in his tracks and looked at Dean, his eyebrows furrowed and his head was slightly tilted off to the side. "Why are you so against explaining why you choose a movie?"

Dean loved the look and it took him all his strength to not attack Castiel in a hug. "I don't know.."

"Well, would you please tell me?" Castiel asked, a hopeful tone hinting his normal gravelly voice.

"Er... I... Was hoping you would wanna..." Dean felt awkward now, maybe that was more due to Sam having just entered his room behind Castiel.

"Hello Sam"

"Hey Cas. Dean, I found something that might-"

"Sam, I'm really busy at the moment, just... Tell me later"

Sam now noticed the movie that was on and he got the hint. "...right... I'll leave you to it then"

Sam then left the room.

Castiel still looked confused, his head still at it's slight tilt.

"I wanna fuck Cas"

"Oh" Castiel felt flustered now, his cheeks heated up. "I well uh.."

Dean couldn't help bit laugh at Castiel's reaction, he dragged Castiel back to the bed.


"Relax.. I'm not doing anything"


Castiel: Dean..

Dean: yea Cas?

Castiel: I wish to join you in intercourse

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