9: Voicemail

401 26 2

Sam: hey Dean?

Dean: Sam, your sitting right next to me, just actually talk

Sam: but it's personal

Dean: fine, what?

Sam: I know you and Cas did some Pizzaman and Babysitter stuff >:)

Dean: I have no clue what your talking about

Sam: oh yes you do, I did something about it too

Dean: and what is that?

Sam: don't answer this call, I'll call you on speaker and you'll find out

{Incoming call from Sammy}

{Accept or Decline?}

{1 missed call from Sammy}

Hello, this is Dean Winchester, I am too busy fucking my babysitter in the ass right now to even pick up the phone, don't bother leaving a message

Dean: Sam?! What the fuck?! When did you even get my phone to do that?!

Sam: got it when you were fucking Cas, you left it on the table

Dean: I'm gonna kill you

Sam: you gotta catch me first

Dean: sleep with one eye open

Sam: oh I'm so scared

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