18: Crowley

341 23 3

Crowley: Hello squirrel

Dean: ....no

Crowley: oh come on Dean, I just wanna have a chat with you

Dean: no

Crowley: we used to be great friends, what happened to that?

Dean: I was a demon Crowley.. I hate you, okay? I am not your friend and I never will be

Crowley: harsh, I think you've hurt my feelings

Dean: pfft- like you have feelings

Crowley: how dare you, you know nothing about me and you have the audacity to assume I'm emotionless

Dean: your the king of hell, you have no emotions, Sam even tried to make you human and that was the only time you've had feelings, that was because you were almost human and shit but your a demon so you have no feelings and I'm right because your a demon without feelings

Crowley: ...

Dean: amiright?

Crowley: ...yes


Crowley: I'm gonna go talk to moose

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