Chapter 16

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We sit at the table for another few minutes, waiting for everyone to sit down. It's silent where I am, and I'm pretty sure their eyes are all on me. I try not to shift nervously in my seat as Indra stares at me distrustfully and Lexa watches me from the corner of her eye, while Anya watches this happen, an amused smirk on her face.

Lexa looks away from me and glances at the table, which is pretty much full now. She stands, her posture making her exude calm and wisdom, while also giving off an aura of power and strength. It's a fascinating mixture.

"Kru gon TonDC (people of TomDC)." Lexa says in a slightly louder tone than normal, but it's clear everyone can hear her. They go silent, waiting respectfully for her to speak again. "Mochof gon mounin ai (thank you for welcoming me). Teik osir choj op (let's eat)!"

The people cheer at her words and begin to eat the food set out in front of them. Lexa gives them a small smile and sits again.

I'm proud when I notice that I understood every word Lexa said. I look down at the plate of food in front of me, my mouth watering at the sight of fresh cooked meat and vegetables. I'm pleasantly surprised to see a knife and fork on either side of the plate. Usually my meals down here have consisted of me stuffing food down my throat before passing out or running off to train with Anya or Nyko, so I haven't really eaten with utensils since... Well, pretty much before I was locked up. The kids in lockup are at the bottom of the food chain and I can count on one hand the number of times I got a fork or knife to eat the slop they fed us (though it was old, broken, and rusty).

I dig in, barely resisting the urge to moan at the taste. The cooks have stepped up their game since Lexa's here, and my taste buds could not be happier about it.

"Clarke kom Skaikru, why are you here?" Indra asks, sounding both curious and threatening simultaneously. I know she isn't asking why I'm at this table.

I turn to her, "I was going to be executed so my mother got a mechanic to fix an old escape pod and sent me down here."

The only sign Indra listened is the eyebrow that twitches up in surprise. "You are a criminal?"

"To them, yes. The oxygen supply and really, the whole system is failing and my father and I thought we should tell everyone. The Council disagreed, and when they found out they floated my dad and locked me up."

"Floated means they let him into the sky with no oxygen and left him to die." Anya provides.

"Why were you not killed?" Lexa questions, her voice making me jump slightly. For a moment, I forgot that she's here.

"I was too young to be floated, so they sent me into the skybox, which is solitary confinement in their jail. They were just waiting for me to turn eighteen so they could float me."

"But you only wanted to inform your people." Lexa frowns.

"Yes, but they thought it would start an uprising or something. They didn't want to take that risk, and instead floated the head engineer and locked up his daughter." I explain wearily. I've accepted what has happened, but that doesn't mean that I like it or think it was a good idea. "On the Ark, every crime is punishable by death, from stealing extra rations to murder."

"That is harsh." Anya murmurs.

"It was. But that's what they thought they had to so to survive and preserve the human race. We didn't know there are people on the ground."

"How did your people not know?" Indra asks, eyeing me skeptically. "Did you not have the technology up there?"

"We probably do, but there wasn't much use in looking. After the bombs, it seemed like everything on earth had died."

There's a pause in the conversation as those around me take in what I've said. I take this time to eat more of the meat, once again barely resisting a moan. I make a mental note to ask what plants the chefs cooked it in. That way next time Nyko sends me out to gather herbs, I can get some of them as well and maybe teach myself to cook it.

"Clarke, Nyko has informed me that the people of TonDC are in your debt. He mentioned how impressed he is with your healing skills and how you have helped." Lexa states, her beautiful green eyes locked on mine.

I blush at the praise, lowering my eyes in an attempt to not get lost in hers. "Mochof."

"There is no need to thank me, Clarke."

I look back up at Lexa and into the fire in her gaze. We just look until Indra huffs, which nearly snaps me out of my daze. It's only when Anya coughs to hide her laughter that make our eyes look away from each other. Lexa glowers at Anya (who's smirking, but unimpressed with Lexa's glaring skills) and I take a quiet, shaky breath. Her eyes are so intense, but they reveal so much about her.

I guess whoever said the eyes are the window to the soul is right. At least in Lexa's case. There's a wall, stoic and unwavering in them, sort of like I've noticed her personality is. She is fearless, but hides herself behind those walls. I know there's a beautiful woman hidden behind the mask of the Heda, and I hope someday she'll let her guard down enough so I can see her. I can see little bits and pieces in her eyes, the love and passion behind it all. I bet Lexa would sacrifice her own life willingly in exchange for the safety and happiness of her people. I hope I never find out if I'm right about that, but it's amazing to see someone that cares so much.

I know some of you beautiful humans are worried when I mention Lexa's willingness to sacrifice herself/her death in any capacity, but rest assured! It's me, so there's going to be angst, but I can never resist giving my stories a happy ending! Thank you all for reading and stay awesome!

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