chapter one

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Assalaamu alaikum guys. This is my first story. And I hope you will like it..I am counting on your support and please do vote and comment..please for Allaah's sake...Jazaakallaahu Khairan. Enjoy

It was exactly fifteen minutes to 5:00am when the alarm on her phone went off signaling to her that it was time for fajr. She had heard it. But her eyelids were heavy and it refused to open. Her long lashes were moving slowly but still she was reluctant to open her eyes. Subconsciously, she recited the du'a for waking up, thanking her Creator for His favours.

She laid down for about two minutes more. Sleep was about to overcome her again when she remembered one saying of Mufti Menk about how the strongest person is the one who could lift his blanket and raise from his cozy and comfortable bed to perform Sallaatul fajr. She had not slept early yesterday as she was busily reading a book by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al Haashimi, 'The Ideal Muslimah'. A gift she received from her dad upon his return from Nigeria yesterday. Her dad really knew her, as in her taste and her unconcerned attitude towards material things even though they were wealthy enough, Alhamdulillaah.She loved her dad a lot and he also loved her as well.

Raising up slowly from her cozy bed, she smiled when she remembered how she earnestly embraced her dad after not seeing him for almost about two weeks. The smile suddenly vanished when she remembered she had to serve her Creator. Quickly putting on her abaaya and hijaab, she rushed to the bathroom and performed wudhu and headed towards her parents room . She wad ushered in after knocking.

Seeing her dad, she smiled widely. " Assalaamu alaikum dad" Najwa greeted her dad.

" wa alaikum salaam ma dear. I hope you slept well enough." Al- Hajj Abubakr inquired.

"Alhamdulillaah. where's mum?" She asked.

" she's in the bathroom. And to what do I owe this visit at this hour?" Her father asked.

She smiled and responded, "the usual of course. I'm here so we can perform fajr together".

" But where is Salma? Is she still in bed?. Mr Abubakr asked.

" I think so dad, but let me check on her." She quickly rushed out of her parents room heading towards the room next to hers. She knocked and knocked several times but there was no response. She then opened the door switching on the light. Salma groaned in her bed using her palms to shade her eyes from the sudden brightness.

" Assalaamu Alaikum, Sal. Wake up please. It's time for fajr." reminded Najwa. Without responding to her sister's greetings, she rose to a sitting position on her bed and said,

" why can't you just let me be, huh. Go away am not going to pray." She retorted creasing her forehead in a frown.

" what do you mean by you are not going to pray? Wake up before I call dad." She threatened.

" are you that stupid or you are just dumb? What part of am not praying don't you understand? Ok, am on my period so kindly get out of my room before I lose my temper. And since when did you even start waking me up for fajr, fool? Just leave me alone ok?" Snorting she continued, " why can't I have a ounce of peace without you ruining everything for me? Get out of my sight and make sure you turn the lights back off " she shouted and drew the blanket over her face while laying down with a huff.

With tears in her eyes, Najwa did as her sister instructed, closing the door gently behind her. She hurried to the parlour where they offered their Namaaz. All the while wiping the tears that threatened to fall from her beautiful large brown eyes. Breathing in and out to control her nerves and calm herself down. She fanned her eyes with her fingers to prevent more tears from falling. All this so her dad doesn't notice her despair.

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