chapter 15

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The frustration in Najwa grew intense after she realised what her friend had done to her. In fact, if not her, who else will tolerate Samira's drama. Nobody but her. And if her sister-in-law thought she was going to wear those tiny barely-covering-flesh night wears, then she's got another thing coming in for her. In fact, she was going to get rid of them as soon as possible like she promised. But first, she would have to find something decent to wear for the night. Before her husband comes to meet her in a bathing robe. Which will be very much embarrassing if not outrageous.

After having massaged her flawless body hurriedly with her pomade, she immediately went back into that simple white abaaya and hijaab she was wearing initially before her husband comes to meet her although she doubted she will survive in it for the night. The heat will be unbearable. She would have to endure it nonetheless. Else, the night will be more unbearable and uncomfortable for her if she opts to wear those nighties before her husband. She frowned at the mere thought of it. And blinked her wide orbs as if to erase the image that formed in her mind's eye.

Talking of Samira's wedding gift, which is highly unappreciated, she just has to get rid of those skimpy night gowns immediately. This time, she will have the last laugh. She smiled at her anticipated victory over Samira and how she will look like when she realises she's lost this time. With her thumb and middle finger, Najwa held the night gowns one by one like some disgusting items and stuffed them in a small polyethylene bag. She was going to throw them in the dustbin outside. She planned to take her phone along with her and then snap pictures of the items after she has placed them so nicely in the dustbin and show it to Samira later. She squealed when she thought of how Samira will react then.

Just as she took the bag containing the night wears, she hears the door to the bedroom open and she immediately threw the polyethylene bag containing the gowns back into the wardrobe. She winced as she realised her plan had been interrupted. She was never going to get the chance to do it again that night, if not ever. Because out of haste, she didn't hide it well enough to be unnoticed by her husband. She stood rooted in place as her husband entered their room with all his graciousness. His handsome features seem to have increased as she observed him under her long lashes. He seemed to be sparkling more and for a moment she wondered if her eyes weren't deceiving her. And his luscious lips seem to have also become more plush and full. Najwa shook her head to stop her little brain from trending into dangerous zones. She has to get a hold of herself if she was going to survive sharing a room with him.

She shouldn't allow her brain to pull such stunts with her again. Maybe she should start thinking of him as just another roommate. The roommate that replaced Samira. That will help her endure this idea of sharing a room all together. Only that he wasn't her roommate like she wants to believe. He was her husband. The man her heart beats for. The man she longs to be with in every way a woman should be with her husband. The love of her life. The one she couldn't go a second without her thoughts to drifting to. The one that made her weak in the knees only by speaking. But who also didn't feel the same way she did. She pouted as she reminded herself.

The atmosphere in the room changed to a nerve recking and embarrassing one for Najwa as she came down to reality, from her day dreaming. Only that it was night and not day. She blushed furiously as she remembered what transpired between them before he left for the Masjid for his Maghrib and Isha prayers. That managed to draw out feelings she didn't know existed within her. They existed but were dormant, which she did not know about. She just had to come across the right person who will manage to bring it to bare. And that person was her husband now. Who currently stood before her with his forehead scrunched up in thought.

Her husband on the other hand couldn't just wait to gaze at the innocent and angelic face of his beloved wife which she was trying to hide from him as she lowered her head. He wished she would raise her lovely head and look at him for once.

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