chapter 22

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Najwa wasn't in the best of mood. The call she made to her mother at home really broke our heart. At first she had thought she hadn't heard her right, but not only had her mother said those hurtful words to her once, but she had repeated herself to make it quite clear to her. She was shell shocked and begun to quiver frantically as if attacked by a fever. Her mother's words hunted her. And planted different ideas and thoughts in her little head. She didn't want to have such thoughts running through her mind. But yet she couldn't completely erase those thoughts from her brain.

She had never entertained the thought of her mother deliberately ignoring her calls. But she was starting to think so. Now the thought was slowly seeping through her. She was starting to consider it. Granted that her mother had actually always found faults in her and that she hadn't been her favourite if the scoldings she had always given her was anything to go by. But she had always known her mother loved her and was only trying to guide her on the path of goodness. But never had she uttered such blasphemous words to her. She just couldn't believe it. It hurt so much that she touched her fragile heart to ensure it was not really broken into irreparable pieces. Her husband's shoulder the only comfort zone as she sobbed like a baby getting his cloth drenched with her tears.

Adam was equally heartbroken because never had her seen her in such a state. It had always been an uneasy and tears of guilt and which has always resulted in him messing with her or her thinking she had not fulfilled her obligations to him as her wife. But never this kind of  heart wrenching tears. Never had he felt such pain. Yes, her pain was his pain because he was equally disturbed. He wondered exactly what had transpired between her and her mother. Had she chastised her so unfairly about something? If only he could reprimand the woman for what she had caused if that was it. But his respect for the elderly coupled with the fact that she was his mother-in-law rendered him incapable of doing so. But the little patience he had was slowing thinning. But on second thoughts, had she given her some bad  news? He mentally shook his head to rid of such uncalled for thoughts in his mind. He didn't want to think of the worse.

"shhhh. Sweetheart it's okay." he cooed in whispers. Because the sobbing was too much if the hiccups she was making was evident at all. He caressed her back in the most gentlest and soothing manner he could muster. His wife was the most softest and fragile woman he had ever come across. Things some women would ignore as mere jokes, she found serious. Although she had her own way of showing her sense of humour. She was always reduced to tears by the tiniest of happenings. She was like eggs carefully arranged on a glass crate. She needed to be handled with care, gentility and maximum love. She was a treasure needed to be protected.

He didn't want to ask her what happened in the current state she was in. Besides, even if he did, she wouldn't be able to explain things to him or narrate exactly what occurred or what exactly her mother had told her. But he was eager to know what had reduced her to tears.

Several minutes passed before she had seemed to calm down. He sat down with her on his laps and she found comfort on his chest. She was so quite he had initially thought she was asleep. But when she snaked her hand around his waist so tightly he confirmed she was wide awake. He didn't need to feel so jelly in the knees at her touch which he knew was filled with innocence and was an attempt to spmeek more comfort. It was his fault because her innocent touches always managed to illicit some undecipherable feelings deep within him. A feeling that always made him want to come more close to her. And since the night where they were ushered into the propriety of being an actual couple, he actually always felt that way whenever she was around him. It was just on the edge and always threatened to break lose no matter the intensity of his self control.

But now, was not the moment to think of such things.  He mentally chided his mind from digressing from the issue at hand. When he was sure she was finally at ease, he proceeded to show the level of concern he had for her.

DESTINED TO BE HIS GARMENTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant