Chapter 17

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A.J's mother couldn't fathom the fact that she was before her. She didn't understand why she hadn't met her sooner. Had her long search for her long lost blood come to an end? Tears threatened to flow but she managed to control herself. Maybe she wasn't her Najwa. But the resemblance to A.J was undeniable. The same pink lips, eyebrows and long nose. And she had the same name as the one she gave her.

She had come to visit her son as had she missed him so much. He has been her only source of joy since she lost him and her. A. J was a reason why life was comfortable for her. Together with the hope that she will find her once again. That she will be able to embrace her and kiss her once more just like she had when she was only an infant. A.J had helped her to search for her daughter. Hired private investigators to aid but to no avail. But finally her search might be over. She just couldn't imagine the fact that she was before her and had been this close but it took her till this time to notice. It had to be her. No doubts about it. It absolutely had to be her because her guts told her so. Her heart told her so. And she trusts a mother's instinct. She did.

This is her Najwa. Her long lost daughter. Because that was the name she had planned to give her. This couldn't be just a coincidence. It had to be her. She was just like she imagined her to be when she grew. Although more beautiful than even her mind's eye could think of.

Indeed, Allaah works in mysterious ways. She had spent about twenty years agonising over the lost of her daughter. Seeking help from the Greatest of Helper to aid her in the search for her daughter. The one her husband had cruelly and unfairly taken away from her. Alhamdulillaah, she has found her without even the intervention of a private investigator. But with the guidance of Allaah. So this was what awaited her such that it made her so anxious to meet her son and such that she couldn't wait for him at his apartment but had to come to his office? Indeed, Knowledge and wisdom is Allaah's (swt). And Allaah is the all knowing, the most wise.

Indeed, her husband had been wicked. But Allaah has been merciful to her. At least, she had gotten to meet her daughter before the grave calls for her. Alhamdulillaah. Her sorrows may come to an end finally. And she was glad. She wanted to shout out her joy but had to suppress it because nobody would understand. Explaining will take a life time. And she wasn't ready yet to go through that phase.

She watched on in fascination as the pretty girl she was sure was her daughter tied her niqaab. But not before touching her on her cheeks and blinking back tears that threatened to fall from her out of happiness. She smiled wobbly and swallowed the mucus that had gathered in her throat. She was rendered speechless. She just couldn't manage to bring out any words. She was temporarily mute.

When she was finally able to take control of her emotions, she spoke up
"How are you my daughter?" She asked gazing at Najwa lovingly. Just like a mother would a daughter. She had said her daughter and she meant it. She was the only one who knew the hidden meaning. She wished Najwa could understand her but that was impossible.

"Alhamdulillaah. I'm fine aunty. Thank you. How are you too?" Najwa responded and asked of her wellbeing whiles looking into the older woman's eyes. Mrs Fatima could no longer suppress her need to draw her into an embrace. And she did just that. Feeling contented deep within her.

She could no longer contain her emotions so she let out a sob. And out of courtesy, Najwa wrapped her arms around the woman returning her embrace in a warm manner and rubbed her back soothingly to comfort her. The siblings looked on in bewilderment at the older woman's reaction and display of affection. Both so confused but each immensed in his own thought. But mentally applauding Najwa for not making things awkward and not showing any kind of discomfort towards the woman's strange behavior.

Mrs Fatima admired Najwa for not rejecting her embrace and for that she mentally said her gratitude to those that brought her up. They had indeed done a good job. She prayed for Allaah to rain his blessings upon them for the good they have done. And for raising her up to be a righteous person. She guessed she couldn't have even raised her that way if she were with her. Because at her birth, she had planned on spoiling her silly. But Allaah being the Best of planners took her away from her and eventually made Najwa who she was now. Alhamdulillaah. There is always a good reason behind every suffering. And after every suffering, there is a fulfilling ease. To the heart, to the body and to the soul.

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