chapter 7

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It had been a long and tiring journey for Najwa. She felt so weak such that she wasn't as enthused as she was supposed to be or as she had imagined she would be returning back home after her long stay on campus. She was drained. Maybe because she had refused to eat anything when her dad stopped at a restaurant three hours into their journey for them to take something or because her heart was full of remorse and despair. So as soon as she stepped out of the car when they reached their home, she quietly excused herself and retired into her room with tired limbs after she exchanged pleasantries with her mother. Her dad just stood there watching her retreating form as she climbed the stairs towards her room.

She threw her bag on her little sofa as soon as she entered the room and threw herself on her bed backwards, her eyes closed and face towards the ceiling. With her eyes closed, the only image she could see was that of her professor with his amazing smile that always made his dimpled cheeks obvious. Yes, she had seen his smiles on numerous occasions and in class especially when a student answers his question correctly or wrongly. Either way, his affectionate smile never left his face. And it was always hard not to look at him at that moment but she always managed to control herself and avert her gaze. She opened her eyes and shook her head suddenly in an attempt to take him out of her head because he wasn't hers to think of in such a manner in the first place and he was going to get married in no time.

In order to distract herself, she retrieved her phone from her bag to just listen to some recitation from the Qur'an when she realised that she had missed about five calls from Samira. She also called back about twice but Samira also didn't pick up. Checking the time, she realised it was only three minutes past Isha time and guessed Samira might be performing salaah. Since she wasn't praying, she quickly washed up and changed into her night dress. She quietly laid down on her bed staring into the ceiling once again at nothing in particular.

Samira had heard her phone ring from upstairs in her room as she recited the Qur'an from memory to the hearing of her mum and brother after their salaah. Her dad again was on a business trip. Mother and son were surprised at Samira's recitation. Because before she left for school, she definitely could not recite Surah Rahman from memory like she did now. Her tajweed was absolutely perfect compared to previously and this made Adam even more baffled. They were thankful for the improvement in her Qur'an studies. They wanted to ask how she was able to achieve that in such a short span but she rushed off to pick up her phone. She realised she has also missed Najwa's calls. As she descended from the stairs, she called her  back. On the first ring, Najwa picked up to the relief of Samira which allowed them to confirm their safe arrival and for Samira to again console and advice her friend that Allaah had better plans in store for her and she just needs to be patient.

After the call, Samira squeezed herself between her brother and mother with a sad face and at the same time chewing the corners of her lips as well.

"So who is your Qur'an tutor now? I must admit the person is doing a good job on your initially horrible tajweed". Adam complimented with an applause at which Salma frowned knowing fully well her brother was just pulling her legs. Their mother only smiled at them in amusement because she knew Samira wad not going to leave it at that. They never missed even the smallest opportunity to quarrel. Albeit a friendly one.

"Why do you care to know when you were so busy, I mean, refused to teach and correct my 'horrible tajweed' initially. And oh, someone whose tajweed is much more better than yours taught me all that I needed to know. And thankfully she wasn't so busy to do so.

"She?" Her mother asked surprised and proud a female could recite the Qur'an so perfectly in a manner even some men can not.

"Yes mum, She. And It's none other than my one and only Najwa". She finally opened up. Observing her brother closely who was equally as surprised as his mother.  "Mum you should listen to her recite. She will reduce you to tears with that exotic voice of hers. My friend is an absolute genius mum". She continued so proudly. Her face full of smiles and at the same time wary of her brother's reaction. "She has the whole Qur'an right here" she completed pointing to her brain.

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