Chapter 27

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"Did you two have a fight? What happened between the two of you? How come she just left abruptly?" A.J asked as he drove as fast as he reasonably could back to the house. Adam hadn't been in the position to drive and so he being his friend had taken it upon himself to drive them back to the house to see actually what was going on. After he had reported Najwa's disappearance to him, and with his exclamation, he had vanished almost immediately from his presence after a moment of shock. A.J had followed him up with a rush, not forgetting to lock the office up after him. He rushed down the stairs with a lightening speed towards the parking lot forgetting there was even an elevator. Which would have indeed wasted his time had he made up his mind to do just use it. He found Adam by his car resting his head on the bonnet of the car and gasping softly. As he was rushing to the parking lot, he thought by now Adam would have driven off. But here he was, looking so out of this planet. A.J could feel what his friend was going through even without him saying anything.

"I left my car keys in the office." Adam complained without being questioned. A. J nodded and indicated to his own car and Adam made his way to it. Out of rush he had forgotten his keys. A bunch of keys rather. Keys to his car, to his apartment and to every cabinet and locker in his office. No wonder A.J had met him still there. Otherwise, he would have been gone without a trace.

Currently, Adam sat in the car so quietly in thoughts. Not willing to answer any of A.J's questions. Because there was surely no answer to it. He has never had a fight with Najwa. Even when he was angry and upset at her, she never was angry. She would be the one to apologise to him. She would even be apologising for crimes she hadn't committed and always seemed to want to be in his good books. At the times when he was being the fire, she was always and always the water. She had always been the patient one. And so he could not really understand what happened. He can't even if his life was on the line.

Eventhough today he had witnessed a side of her he never knew existed, he had been glad because he thought she was starting to toughen up already, regardless of it being a bad thing to do. He just could not pin point what was the cause of it all. But one thing he was sure about was that Salma had a hand in all these. She did. He could bet with his life she did. His instincts had been right. Salma had evil intention being with them. It had only been about time she manifested her true colours. And the perfect time was now. He had allowed the devil incarnate perforate into their life's and she has succeeded with her evil mission.

Why had he not taken stern action when his gut was telling him to? How could he have even left them there all alone when he knew they weren't in the best of terms? Najwa had even slapped Salma in the face whiles he was around. That should have been a sign for him to get Salma out of his house immediately. Then things wouldn't have escalated to the level which it was at the moment. What had Salma said enough to force his beloved to leave her matrimonial home. Was it that terrible? Although he was in dire need of answers to all these questions as much as he needed air to breathe, he knew he wasn't going to get them any time soon. A terrible thing awaits him in his house and his heart can do nothing but beat wildly in fear. He has never felt this kind of intense fear ever. His frustration and restlessness were beyond measure. Only he knows what he was going through. In fact, all attempts to get himself to calm down was beginning to be useless. And he wished they could somehow fly to his apartment as soon as possible, no matter the consequences. He momentarily wished he was the one behind the steering wheel because his friend was acting like a slow poke. He just needs to get back to his apartment someway.

The usual ten minutes drive with normal speed to his apartment now felt like, ten hours. The road there seemed never ending. Couldn't they reach as soon as possible? As fast as they can? 

And indeed they reached as soon as possible and as fast as they can. He opened the door and jumped off his seat and raced towards the stairs without waiting for A.J to even kill the engine of the car. Neither did he even wait for A.J to join him. He did not spare the security guard to the apartment, with whom he had an amazing relationship with, a glance, to even mention a greeting. The older man stood there shocked at his young friend's behaviour. Something was off about him. Because he usually was a cheerful person. And he has had the privilege of witnessing his extra cheerfulness after he had said goodbye to bachelorhood. He guessed he has had the best wife because his transformation had been an amazingly beautiful one. His wife had also been as friendly and kind hearted as her husband. Always greeting him and caring to inquire about his health and his family. Something he knew only people who had you at heart will care to ask. The old man was not happy at Adam's state. But he did not know what was going on so he could do nothing at the moment but watch on. But then, the husband and wife could not all be in sour mood at the same time. Who then would comfort the other? But then he realised Adam was more composed than his wife. She looked devastated.

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