chapter 26

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Salma's smile of mischief widened as she stared at her little sister and her current state. She knew exactly what Najwa's husband, Adam, or whatever he calls himself meant. But it looked like her sister being so naive and stupid did not realize the intensity of his words. And if Najwa was the same Najwa she knew, she will definitely take offense in his words. And that was her opportunity to put her plan into motion. In fact, nature was always by her side and provided her the best of opportunities. No matter what she was not going to allow Najwa to be in peace whiles she is currently in pieces. She had a mission to disrupt her sister's tranquil mood just as her mother had instructed.

"Don't be a cry baby." Salma teased when she saw the tears that snaked down her sister's face. She rolled her eyes at a Najwa who was gazing at her intently. She gave her that wolfish smile she usually puts on everytime she had something destructive up her sleeve. "Do you see how miserable you are? I hope you heard your so called husband, you are a nuisance. You better leave for your own sake. Nobody needs you in their life except my father, who cannot see pass your hypocrisy. You are so useless. And currently, the man you thought loved you so much just disowned you. Such a pity." Salma continued, clicking her tongue against her gum to produce the tsk sound. She circled Najwa slowly as she mocked her non-stop. Najwa wept bitterly. "Just look at yourself. You thought you had the upper hand. And you even had the audacity to slap me in the face." Salma started angrily as she rubbed the side of her face Najwa had slapped. "But it did not last long. You are just an unwanted trash everywhere you go, such that your own father abandoned you to wither." Salma paused on her movements upon her last word.

"That is a lie. Father has always loved and cherished me. He has never abandoned me ever. Neither has he treated me with so much hatred. Unlike you who is supposed to be my sister but has always hated me. What did I ever do to you? How did I ever offend you? I have always loved you like a sister should. What else do you want to me to do? Why can't you just leave me alone." Najwa asked, her tears much worse at that moment.

Salma laughed hysterically at Najwa and how absurd she looked and sounded. Sister indeed, she thought.

"I have never asked you to love me my dear. I am not your sister, my father is not your father and my mother is not your mother. You were just adopted. No, found rather. You were abandoned by your father. You are not our family. You want me to leave you in peace, then leave my family alone. You took everything away from me especially my father's love. He loves you more than me his biological daughter. Just stay away from my family." Salma screamed in bitterness. 

Najwa's lips wobbled physically as she tried to control herself. What was her sister saying? How come she was not their family when they were the family she has ever known? Mr Abubakar was her father. She was sure of that.

" No that is a big lie. You are a liar Salma. You are my family." Najwa screamed and collapsed on her knees on the floor as she wept more painfully. She touched her heart and she could almost feel how sore it was. She was hurt by her sister's words even more than her husband's. What had she ever done wrong in life to deserve this kind of treatment from someone she loved?

"I am not lying. Mother told me so. That they found you in their house one night and they decided to take you in. You are not my sister. A weakling like you can never be related to me. Mother told you so the other time. But because you are a fool you never recognised what she meant. She is not your mother. Go and look for your mother. And stay away from my father. Delete us from your life. You were a stampede to me and my family's happiness. In fact, I hate you so much. And do not think father doesn't know about all these, he does. We are of the same age, but are not twins. Has that ever crossed your mind? We don't look alike one bit. And that is because we are not related by blood. We do not have the same DNA. So leave us alone and go find your own family." Salma added staring down at Najwa who couldn't stop wailing. She had been deceived. Her parents were not really her parents and her sister was not really her sister. Her family was not really her family. What exactly was going on and what was she going to do now? They only people she had ever loved and cherished were not in any way related to her. She believed Salma because it was absurd that she was the only different one in the family. But then again they were age mates but not twins. According to their birth certificate, it was only a few months that separated them. Her father's love had managed to blind her mind from such realisation. He had adored her like his own and that is why she is finding it difficult to accept he is not her father. But her mother, was another chapter of the story. No wonder she had always seem to hate her and everything she does.

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