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Days turned into nights, nights turned into weeks and weeks eventually gave way to months. The semester had almost ended for the two friends. 'Almost' because even though they had successfully and happily completed their first ever examinations as university students after all the challenges they faced, they were yet to depart to their various homes peacefully.

Even though a lot of time had transpired, absolutely nothing had changed regarding how Najwa felt towards her professor. Time actually told, as her friend predicted, because what she felt towards her best friend's brother kept growing intense and fervent. She had to endure his presence which always disturbed her peaceful heart each and every week. But thinking of it, not once had he said anything more than an ' Assalaamu alaikum' to her. And even that, it was always in the presence of his sister. Najwa refused to ask him any questions in class and also refused to answer any questions he threw to the class, even if she had answers to it. She was also thankful he never asked her specifically, to answer any of his questions because she could never trust her voice around him and she couldn't risk her heart popping out of her body out of frantic beatings. Because she had fallen deep and there is no way back out now. She thought nothing and no one could drag her out but him. He is the reason behind the chaotic state of her heart and mind. And he is the only remedy to her ailment.

On the other hand, as weeks passed, nothing altered his feelings towards Salma. He was never himself anytime he spotted her. He slept less and less. Not because he was up at night making researches or doing any other important stuff but because he was consumed by thoughts of her. He was completely obsessed as A.J named it once when they were together and they saw Salma with her friends. He was so bent and desperate to make her his wife regardless of his sister's utterances or actions. Even though Samira had respected his choice, she had also requested of him not to talk to her about Salma. To his luck, A.J had given Salma's address back home as well as her dad's telephone number to him. Although, he's yet to find out how his friend and soon to be brother-in-law acquired these vital information. He just couldn't wait any longer to go home and make things right by asking for Salma's hand in marriage. But as for Samira's behavior, there was nothing he could do about it. She had never agreed with him in this decision and she had been avoiding him each time she got the opportunity. Always, dragging her Niqaabi friend along with her. He had thought of informing A.J again about her actions but later decided against it because it was one thing to ask her to agree with him on his decision and it was another to ask her to be happy for him. Because she wasn't one to hide her displeasure. He wished he could ask her Niqaabi friend to talk to her but he couldn't.

Talking of her friend, she spoke so less that one would actually think she was dumb or if not, had problems talking. Her head was always down whenever he was in class such that he sometimes thought she behaved that way only around him. He rarely saw her eyes and anytime he saw those eyes, it was as if it was dragging him towards something he couldn't quite place his hands on and he couldn't help imagining what her whole face actually looks like. She never asked questions and he never asked her any question because he did not want to disturb her silence. He had the urge to ask her why she is always silent, but he couldn't. It was just impossible.

Currently, Najwa sat on her bed packing a little of her belongings for the vacation. She let out an anxious sigh after she finished. Her thoughts drifted to her dad. She longed to see him once again. She had missed her parents terribly. They were the people whose voice she always heard, but then again whose face she hadn't been able to see,for these months she had been in school. She smiled reminiscing all those moments at home with her dad. He is the best dad ever and she couldn't wait any longer to see and be with him. Her brain immediately switched to her professor, and her heart beat accelerated. Her face began to heat up thinking of him. She was going home and she wouldn't be seeing his handsome face for some time. And she would also have to do without his manly and succulent voice for some time. The face and voice that made her feel things she hadn't felt before in her entire stay on this earth.Why she was behaving and feeling or even worse thinking of him, her own professor and not to think of it, her best friend's brother, in that manner was beyond her understanding and definitely unacceptable, she thought. She thought of what her dad will think of her once he learns about it. Disappointment maybe. But he might be happy about it because he had mentioned marriage earlier when he brought them to school. She was definitely going to tell him about it once she arrives back home safely and gets to be with him alone. Yes, alone. Because she was sure her mum will surely judge her when she finds out. And Salma, will definitely say her claims of her as being a hypocrite, wasn't wrong all this while.

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