chapter 20

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Whiles Najwa laid asleep in his arms, he had laid wide awake and couldn't help but think of his sister's condition earlier in the afternoon. He had been worried although his beloved wife had asked him not to fret about his sister because she now had a husband to take care of her. He had grown more frustrated when he had called A.J severally and his phone was switched off. He had tried Samira's number only for her not to be picking up. His worry grew a tenfold.

Sleep was about to steal him away when his phone rung. He had let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was his sister trying to get back in touch with him after she had missed several of his calls.

"Samira what went wrong? Why were you not picking up my calls? What did the doctor say?" Adam asked all three questions in one breath. There was a huge silence as the person on the other line did not reply to his questions. Now his frustration grew like a tornado.

"Samira are you okay?" he asked. Fear enveloping his heart as there was another pause and all he could hear was deep breathing.

"For Allaah's sake talk to me Samira." he almost shouted. He turned to see Najwa stretch and calmed himself down not wanting to wake her up.

"It's not Samira. It's me" A.J finally replied in a sullen voice. He seemed tired and sad at the same time. And that prompted Adam to adjust Najwa to lie on his lap as he sat up straight as she was fast asleep on his shoulder, a place she had grew accustomed to. She moaned and stretched like a cat and for a minute he thought he had woke her up. But she held unto him more tightly and did not wake up.

"A.J what happened? What did the doctor say? Is my sister alright?" Adam asked. He heard A.J swallow hard.

"She's not alright?" A.J replied. Now Adam's fear was at its peak. He could'nt imagine what was wrong with his sister. And here was her husband trying to delay in telling him exactly what was wrong. He wanted to shout on his friend to demand immediate answers but from his voice he was just as distressed as he was and Adam did not want to burden him more.

"She's not?" he asked instead as he swallowed the lump of saliva that had accumulated in his throat.

"She isn't. She vomited out what she ate in your office in my car before we got to the hospital. She vomited even more when we got there complaining she didn't like the smell of the disinfectant in the hospital. It took us quite a while to get her to be diagnosed." A.J explained in a weak voice. Adam sighed heavily. The smell of disinfectant was one of the reasons why Samira hated hospitals. But she never vomited whenever they went there.

"So what was the diagnosis?" Adam asked rubbing his head with his palm to calm his nerves. He heard the sound of a door clicking close.

"Several tests were conducted and...." he paused trying to gauge Adam's reaction but got nothing. "You are going to be an uncle" he shouted finally. Clearly filled with happiness.
"She's pregnant Adam. Pregnant. I'm going to be a father soon." he emphasised very much excited. Adam almost sprouted from his bed if not for Najwa's head that laid on his laps. His eyes widened.

"Pregnant?" Adam asked. Surprise lacing his voice. A.J affirmed in another exciting response.
"So why did you scare me like that? You made me think there was something dreadfully wrong with her. By Allaah if you were near me I would just disfigured that handsome face of yours." Adam threatened. A.J only chuckled at his friend's empty threat.

"You want to destroy your nephew's father's face?" A.J feigned hurt.

"I'm not going to argue with you at this time of the morning. My wife is sleeping soundly and I don't want to disturb her. I will deal with you tomorrow, In shaa Allaah." Adam announced as he absentmindedly rubbed Najwa's shoulder. He was amazed at how A.J for a moment got him on edge. Alhamdulillaah his sister was alright. And he was only going to be an uncle. He was extremely glad. Soon, he would have a mini Samira and A.J following him around and calling him uncle in his or her tiny voice. He smiled happily at the thought.

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