chapter 29

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The enthusiasm of the two women, who were connected as a result of their childrens' matrimony, about the latest news was so contagious that Dr Hawa who was initially finding their happiness a little bit irritating had no choice but to join in their ecstasy. At the parking lot of the restaurant, they had even debated on whose car should take them to Mrs Fatima's house. Mrs Fatima had her car, and so did Mrs Hikma. But alas, Mrs Hawa had joined her friend in her car whiles Najwa's mother-in-law rode behind them. Their hearts were so full of happiness and the smiles on their faces refused to disappear. And it was not going to do so anytime soon.

Their giggles filled the house as they entered the living room of Mrs Fatima's house. The house was so quiet such that one would think there was not a soul in there but Najwa was. All of a sudden, Mrs Fatima felt a cold chill wrap her up and her happiness died instantly. Her motherly instinct told her there was something dreadfully wrong. The first thing she thought of was her daughter. She had been out for long and on their way back they had been caught by the heavy traffic of the capital city. She chastised herself for being negligent. But then again, their servant was around and she had left Najwa in her care before leaving. As a result, she was sure Najwa was alright. And so she chose to ignore her inner self and the dreadful feeling she had.

She went straight to the kitchen, after having offered her visitors seats, where she knew she would find her servant to serve them some water but was taken aback by the person she saw instead in the kitchen. She least expected him in her house.

"A.J what are you doing here?" Mrs Fatima asked her son. Who pretented as if he he had not seen her and continue to do whatever he was doing. He was just finding himself some snacks. He was opening the cabinets and closing them in search of something she did not know of. His mother rolled her eyes at him as he was behaving as if he was the boss of the house. As if he still lived there. Although he had been out of that house ever since he earned his bachelor's degree.

"You are so welcome mother. Actually I have been waiting for you for a long time now." he replied. Intentionally ignoring his mother's question. "For two hours to be precise" he added after taking a glance at his wrist watch.

"What are you doing here and where is my name sake? That is my question." Mrs Fatima repeated her unanswered question. A.J only grinned at her wolfishly. He loved and respected his mother so much. But then he always cannot help pulling her strings and sometimes bringing out the challenging side of her. He's the only person who can get her worked up by messing with her. Apart from that, she never gets angry at anyone else, no matter what the person does.

" Your name sake went to the market. And I..came to see my sister." A.J stated point blank. Mrs Fatima was not surprised at all because she knew exactly what he meant and how he found out his sister was with her. That had been her intention. But he was not the one she was expecting in her house. She would have gone crazy with happiness had it been Adam she found in her kitchen. She felt like strangling her son when he made that face of seriousness at her. Because he has never been serious in his life. Never. Everything was not a big deal for him. And to him every problem has a solution. That serious face he had on was just a facade. "And my mother." He added with a smirk.

"I know the last one is a lie. You did not come because of me. And why did you not tell me you were coming over? Why surprise me like this? " His mother snorted.

"Oh mother you could have at least pretended it is not. So where is she? May I see her now?" He asked with the most enthusiastic voice he rarely used except when he was talking about Samira. She smiled at him remembering how he had talked about Samira to her when he first met her.

"No you may not." she replied nonchalantly and his face dropped. His mother almost bust into laughter at the face he made. "But you may bring two bottles of water into the living room. Your aunt Hawa is here. Hurry. " She instructed and announced all at the same time.

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