chapter 21

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She laid on the bed quietly in deep thought. Her face was full of smiles and she blushed furiously as she reminisced vividly what transpired between her and her beloved husband the previous night. Her nerves grew outrageous. She felt embarrassed even though she needn't be. She sighed heavily as she stretched. The alarm on her phone for the fourth time notified her it was time for the prayer before sunrise.

When it had gone off the first time, she had felt her husband rise from his side of the bed as he slowly laid her back on the bed because initially she had snuggled into him as a baby kangaroo snuggles into its mother's pouch. She had felt the warmth leave her as he disentangled her from him. She had sighed in lost but had hoped her husband had not heard her. Because she was as good as a dead meat if he had.

With her eyes closed, Najwa had heard Adam's rustlings as he cleansed himself and dressed up. She knew it was time for fajr. And as she had been laying down, she had hoped and prayed vehemently that Adam would just go to the masjid and pray to give her some alone time. She so couldn't face him. Not now at least. Seriously, it was too embarrassing. She felt the bed dip in his weight and she braced herself for whatever was going to happen.

"I know you are wide awake. I'm going to the masjid. You should also rise and shine sweetheart. It's time for Fajr." Adam had advised. Najwa had felt tonnes of embarrassment wash over her atbhis words. Unconsciously, she had covered her face with both hands which had drawn a curt laugh from her husband. One could only imagine how beet red her face was at that moment. Adam had made sure she had a tantalizing kiss on her forehead before he had headed out.

Najwa jolted out of her reverie as the alarm went off once again for the fifth time. She immediately turned it off and made to stand up but grimaced in the awkwardness she felt and collapsed back on the bed. She was finding it extremely cumbersome to rise and shine as her husband had advised. But with the pace of a snail, she finally rose.

No sooner had she cleansed herself, performed Salaah and laid their bed anew did her husband appear once again. This time, she actually pretended to be asleep. In fact, she was able to convince him she was actually asleep initially. Until he saw her right hand shaking as it usually did out of nervousness. He smiled knowingly. He knew she was wide awake and very much aware of his presence. At first, he had wanted to ignore her but later decided against it. He smiled mischievously as he devised a new way of messing with her and maybe being rewarded in an amazing way. Whether she intended to or not, he was going to get her to look at him and maybe do more than that. She should look at him. There was nothing to be embarrassed about. They were husband and wife. And whatever happens between them is absolutely natural and unforbidden unless forbidden by the Creator himself.

Taking off his jalbaab, he changed into a fresh pyjamas bottom with only his singlet to accompany. He headed into the bathroom to put his plan into motion.

Najwa let out a deep sigh when she could no longer sense his presence in the bedroom. Face down, she made herself more comfortable and dragged the blanket to cover herself more properly. Almost a second after she had done that, she heard an ear bugging scream. It was a scream of pain. And it was from none but her husband.

"Arghhhhhhhhh" he had screamed

"Adam" she called out. But there was no response from him. She called him once again but yet again, he didn't respond. She thought of the worse. Like how he could be laying unconscious in a pool of blood. How he could be severely injured or even worse, dead. Her heart started beating frantically in fear at his silence.

On impulse, she bolted towards the bathroom absolutely forgetting about her discomfort. The tears had started to meander on her lovely cheeks. Heart in her stomach, she hurried to the bathroom. In her haste to know exactly what happened to him, she failed to recognise the victorious smile that her husband was trying so hard to hide. She begun to inspect him critically asking him what happened to him. But he was silent about it.

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