Chapter 2

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"What are we going to do today?" I asked curious. "What you want!" he said, touching my nose with his finger. "Oh, well, that's easy. I just want to be with you all day!" I said. "That's exactly what I was thinking too!" he smiled. "But...what do you want to do meanwhile?" Then, the doorbell rang. "Oh no, not again!" I said a bit irritated because the journalists were always interrupting when we were saying important things. And every word out of Gianluca's mouth was very important, so yes, now it was the same as always. I stood up to go to the front door. At least, that was the plan. "What are you doing?" Gianluca asked. "Ehm... the doorb..." He didn't let me finish the sentence. "You! Sit down! I will g..." Then the doorbell interrupted him again. "I will go so you can't fool the poor journalist!" he said serious. But then he smiled again and the doubt I had about him maybe being really a bit mad immediately faded away. Of course he wasn't mad. He loved everything I did. Strange feeling though. Because I really knew I was not perfect and sometimes you just need a bit of criticism in life. But so far, Gianluca loving everything I do or say, hasn't brought me a lot of problems. And by the way, I also loved everything he did, so what can I say?

Gianluca came back, someone else followed him. Did he really invite the journalist into our home? Then I noticed it was just my brother. "Hi Jonas! What brings you here?" I stood up and Jonas greeted me with a kiss. "Well actually...nothing. My car couldn't bring me here because he is broke so I fell out of the sky in front of your door." That was typically my brother's kind of humour. And I liked it, even though I didn't want to admit it always. "Very funny, but that was not what I meant with that question", I said, like it wasn't funny at all.

"Well, actually, I just passed by and wanted to say hi!"
Some feeling inside me, told me he was lying. "Are you sure?" I asked him. Gianluca looked a bit surprised because he really believed what Jonas said. Most of the time he did. But it was cute. A bit naïve but very cute. "Yes Gianluca, my brother is lying", I said. "Oh, didn't notice that," he smiled, like he wanted to tell my brother he did a good job because it worked. My brother understood it and smiled back to him. "Seriously" I said amazed, "is this some kind of game I don't know about? Stop smiling to each other! Jonas just tell the truth. I don't like it when you always come over and then wait hours to tell us about the actual reason why you visit us!" I said, a bit irritated again. Gianluca rubbed my back to comfort me. I knew it wasn't really a reason for being mad or frustrated but sometimes it was just too much. I also wanted a full day with Gianluca without being interrupted by someone and Jonas was not that lucky because he was already the second one that day in a very short time.

Jonas wasn't that happy anymore. Maybe because of me, maybe because of what he was going to say. "So..." he said. And I was waiting, Gianluca was waiting, even Jonas himself was waiting until he finally was going to speak up. "I didn't know whether I had to tell you this or not", he said carefully. "But I noticed something weird. And if I tell you, you two will have to worry about it. And if there's one thing I don't want, it is that you two aren't happy. But like I said, I noticed something weird." Instead of saying what really mattered, he kept telling us about it, without even saying the point. "Jonas, calm down!" I said because he was nervous and I also really wanted him just to tell the point of his story. "Is it about Carlotta?" Gianluca tried. "And the child?"  
"No the pregnancy goes alright, better than alright actually!" he said quickly and a smile came on his face while thinking about that. Inside me, I smiled too. Soon we were going to be an aunt and an uncle of the little baby-girl my brother and his wife were expecting.

But back to Jonas, he still was afraid of telling us. "Say it! If it's important we'd like to know it, even if our happiness will fade away a bit!" I said trying to convince him to say it out loud. It worked.
"Okay, listen..." he started, "the times I passed by your house I always noticed something not right. Well, actually, I'm not really sure, but I feel it's not right!" By saying that he looked out of the window, like nobody else but Gianluca and I were allowed to hear it... 

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