Chapter 40

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I woke up when the sun lit up my face in the morning. Gianluca was nowhere to be seen. I still felt a bit sick. But it was already better than before. Sometimes I thought it wasn't really a good idea to choose Saturday the 13th of april for our wedding day. I know it's not a Friday but it's still a '13'. But when I thought about it, I also realized it was the day we met each other again, after our break up from before. And it was a very good day in the end. It was the day my brother married Carlotta and it was exactly one year ago. So actually that date couldn't be the cause of bad luck on our wedding. But still, it was number 13, and I remembered I did a lot of dumb things a year ago. So let's hope, it's better when it's a Saturday instead of a Friday. 

"Oh, you're already awake!" Gianluca said, who carried a big plate with fruit, bread, a croissant and last but not least...some medicines with him. "Oh, that's so sweet!" I said. "And here is some water and I also made fresh orange juice!" I wasn't really hungry but I knew it was important to eat enough of healthy things so I would feel better on my own wedding day. 

"How are you feeling?" Gianluca asked while feeling with his hand on my forehead to know if I head a fever. "It's better! But I don't feel entirely healthy!"

"Don't worry! After this healthy breakfast you will feel way better! And then I will help you getting ready fort he most wonderfull day of our life!" After that, his gorgeous smile followed and I knew this was going to be a perfect day, whether I felt a bit sick or not.
"Okay!" I said while taking the orange juice out of his hands and drinking all of it in one time. "Actually, that really tastes," I said, surprised that I suddenly felt hungry as well. 

"You know what I was thinking?" he asked. "We are very lucky that we didn't do the typical bachelor party because then you hadn't time to rest before the party that really mattered!"

"Yeah! That was such a good decision!" I said. We just wanted to spent time with each other on our last evening together as an unmarried people. Well, we were together yesterday but it was not entirely how we thought it was going to be.

3 hours later

"Your parents are here!" Gianluca shouted to me from downstairs. "I'm coming!" I shouted, already feeling better than a few hours ago. "I just had my hair done by the professional hairdresser. Gianluca had his connections and he knew who was the best. He only wanted the best for me so I wouldn't feel unhappy because I didn't feel comfortable with my hairdo for example, or with my make up. It was one of the first days I wore make up! In my entire life to be exact! I was happy, it looked wonderfull, I was still Aline and not a Barbie doll and I even found it beautiful so maybe I had to reconsider why I never used make-up.

"Wooow!" Aline my mom said when she saw me coming down the stairs. "What? I don't even wear my dress yet!"
"I know but you..." For sure she was speachless so Gianluca continued her sentence. "...look stunning!" I was flattered because I didn't even wore my dress yet. 

The more time passed, the more I felt ready for the wedding! I felt better and better and I even wanted to wear that dress so badly! Very special for someone who barely wears dresses. Gianluca came over and asked me if I already felt better. Luckily I could tell him I did feel better. "It's probably because of that delicious breakfast you gave me!" He smiled to me and told me that everything was going to be alright!

My mom then followed me upstairs to help me in my dress. When finished, I walked to the mirror. It was like a make over but not entirely because it still was me in front of that mirror. "Wow Aline! You're so pretty!" It didn't happen a lot but this time I thought she was right! "Come here!" she said and then we hugged each other for a long time. "Oh, don't cry mom!" I said when I saw she had difficulties holding back her tears. "If you cry, I'll probably cry very soon too and that will ruin my make up before I am outside of this house!" I laughed. Seeing my mom cry was very special. Certainly because it were tears from happiness...I hoped. She was not the person to cry all the time so I was glad that I was worth crying for. I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and said we needed to hurry. "I wonder how your husband is looking!" my mom said. "He isn't my husband yet!" I laughed, but I don't deny it was nice to hear!

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