Chapter 30

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"You have two options!" she continued. "The first one, you're going to follow me everywhere! You're gonna love me! You'll never leave my side!" No, I wouldn't choose that one. Not at all. "Two..." she said while smiling to the gun. "I'll kill you with..." she looked around the room to finaly look at her gun again, "this gun!"
"I'd rather die than follow you everywhere!" I said, without thinking a lot about the possible consequences. "Okay!" she said. And I could hear in her voice she had liked the other option more.

"You know, there are always two options in life! The difficult one, but with a better result. In this case way better! Because you could've spent your whole life with me! Who doesn't want that?" she grinned.

"The second one is always the more easy one. Short pain but basically, with no result! You're not even going to see the result. "So actually, I'm really disappointed in you," she said with a serious face again. "You chose the easy one!"

"You are not that guy with the strong personality I'd hoped you were. No! You are weak!"
"How can I choose if I don't even know what I'm choosing for? Why do you think I should die?" I snarled at her. She walked around my chair while playing with the gun in her right hand. When she was almost finished with her round, she grabbed my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "I can explain you why you should choose the other option!" And then she kissed my cheek from behind me. I tried to get my head as far as possible from her face but of course I had no way out. "I can love you more than she can!" She leaned in again and had her head suddenly very close to mine. Cheek by cheek. "I'll show you if you want!" she whispered in an evil bitchy way. "No thanks!" I said angry. "You can't make me upset by being angry at me!" she said calm. "I love it! Bassicaly, I love every single thing you do! Except from the last decision you made!"
"Chiara!" I said loud, looking her into the eyes this time. "Why?"
"Why what?" she said, but she knew what I meant.
"Why do you want me dead if you love me? I'm not stupid, but I don't really understand that part!" I said. "Alright, alright...I'll explain you!"
"Good!" I said. She walked from left to right, in front of me. It made me nervous. Everything she did made me feel like I wanted to scream. "Where to start?" she then asked herself. "You know, I just love you!"

"No, you are obsessed with me. And I'm not in love with you. Normal people would know they have to go on with their life but you..."

"Sssst!" she interrupted me. "You asked me to explain it, right? So keep calm sweetheart!" I didn't respond to the things how she called me. She wouldn't change that. But I hope she felt, I didn't agree at all with her calling me like that. "Back in 2009 I was watching some dumb television program and suddenly some angel appeared on my screen! In case you didn't know it yet, but it was you of course!" she smiled. "On that very moment, I decided I wanted you! And I always get what I want!"

So far, I already knew what she told. Hopefully she was gonna explain the things I really wanted to know soon. "To keep it short, I was an Ilvolover! No, excuse me, I was a Gianluca-lover! Oh yeah, I was. And don't get me wrong. I stil lam!"
"You're not! Real Ilvolovers really love us. And they love us all and not one of them would think about killing us."
"If I say I'm an Ilvolover, I am an Ilvolover!" she said mad. "Not!" I said but she denied it. "I watched every single thing you did. Every interview, every performance on a television show, every tweet, every picture..."
"Okay, okay, I get it! Go on to the interesting part!" She looked at me like I had nothing to say. But she did what I asked. "I even followed you in real life!" she said, but I wasn't surprised. I already knew that, right? She was a stalker! "But not as much as last year," she grinned, like that was something to be proud of. "And here's the never saw me! And you might think that's how it's supossed to be, for a stalker. But sometimes I wanted you to notice me! Like the other girls..."

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