Chapter 5

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"Pieeroooo!" Gianluca screamed a bit angry. "What are you doing!" Gianluca asked, while he unlocked the door, which was actually part of the window in the kitchen. When it was open, Piero walked inside. "And what are you doing here?" Gianluca asked, because Piero lived in Sicily and it was vacation. So why was he here, more than a thousand kilometers away from home?

"Scusa!" Piero said calm, not aware we actually really had a heart attack 15 seconds ago. I could still feel it. "You look exhausted," he said to me. "Exhausted? I'm having trouble breathing because of YOU!" I said a bit mad. "Me?" Piero said while laying his hand on his chest, like he always did while singing too. "Yes, you!" Gianluca said. "But it's good you're here because actually we wanted to tell you something. But first, what are you doing here?" "And why did you come to the backdoor?" I asked, still a bit in shock.
"First, I am here, because I'm visiting a friend a few streets away from here. You know Gian, that one I told you about a few days ago." Gianluca nodded with a serious face, waiting for the answer of the next question. "Second, I came to the backdoor because Jonas told me about...about that woman, who is probably..." "a stalker!" Gianluca completed the sentence. "So you already know about it?" "Yes indeed, he told me about it and I thought you would like it if I came through the backdoor instead of making you think there's a stalker at the frontdoor, or the journalists." Gianluca's face was too funny that moment, like he just ate expired Nutella from three years old that definitely didn't taste like Nutella anymore. "There is something wrong in your head!" he said, articulating quite well. "Can you at least warn us next time, when you have an idea like that again. "It's just BECAUSE of you coming to the backdoor, we thought there was something wrong!"
Piero's face was hilarious too, his mouth and eyes wide open but what followed was a very silent 'sorry' with a squeaky voice. "Hey, we're not really angry, Piero!" Gianluca then said, while laying his hand on Piero's shoulder, with a big smile on his face, almost unbelievably friendly all of a sudden. "No, just very shocked. So please, next time you should..." I said. "...not come to the backdoor anymore, I get it!" he said. It seemed as if he was angry himself now. "Not if you don't tell it to us before you do," Gianluca said. "But, tell me, what is the reason for your visit?"
"I was just too early here, so I thought 'I'll go to Gianluca and wait there.'" he said and then he quickly said he wanted to see us too of course. "You just saw me 3 days ago!" Gianluca said, while nodding his head, clearly not believing Piero wanted to see us that much, that he had to visit us already 3 days after he last saw Gianluca. "Okay, okay...I admit...It's just because I was too early here. But hey," he said, pointing to his watch, "it's time! I will not bother you anymore today so you two can have some quality time together, hopefully without journalists or stalkers!"
"Thanks, I said sarcastic, "now I finally forgot about it, you need to mention it again. Thanks Piero." But after I said that, I smiled too because Piero probably didn't feel that welcome that moment. Luckily he smiled too and then he was ready to leave again. "No, wait!" Gianluca almost screamed. "Have you seen something suspicious the last days? Someone who follows me or a weird girl in the audience?" He laughed while thinking about an answer. "It depends on what's the definition of weird!" Gianluca smiled too, they probably had met a lot of crazy girls on tour this year. "Please be serious!" he said then. "Serious? There is one girl who follows you a lot..." Piero said, so we waited eagerly to know who he was thinking of. And then he pointed to me, "she's standing right there!" It made us all laugh, but we still hadn't an idea if there really was a stalker or not.

"But now I'll go, thanks for the warm welcome and see you soon!" Piero said. Gianluca laughed, "yeah, but not too soon!"
"Oh, and you two look very good in that outfit!" he laughed, while pointing to our pyjamas. "Very fashionable!" And then he went out, also through the backyard, like how he came in. "Ciaooo," Gianluca said, "I love you!" Piero turned around and gave a kiss in the air.

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