Chapter 25

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"The letters are gone! I can't find them anywhere!" I screamed while running through the house like crazy, trying to find the box with the letters. "Aline! Calm down! If you aren't calm, we can't find a solution." I started crying when I realized what had happened. Our letters, our beautiful letters were gone! They were not even valuable. It's not like you could be a millionaire when you have them. Well actually...we could. Gianluca Ginoble loved me and that was on paper for a thousand times. Very valuable actually. It always made me feel like I could have anything in the world if I even had a Gianluca Ginoble. The most valuable thing on earth, since most of the letters were written by his hands, and filled with his words. I really needed them back. 

Jonas came towards me to hug me. "Sssst! It'll be alright. We always solve every problem!" he said confident. "A problem more or less...I think we can handle that!" He took the box with tissues from the little table in the corner of the kitchen. "Here you go," he smiled, "will that be enough?" He was smiling, not panicking at all. It actually really helped to calm down myself. "I think I don't need them anymore!" I smiled. "We're gonna find the letters! We are gonne find Gianluca's memories. Because actually...I wanted to give them to him so he could read them and remember everything again...I hoped. Like a trigger, like the doctor said, you know. "But I guess that will never happen anymore."
"Of course it will! We actually are one step closer to a solution for mission Chiara!"
"Hu? What? How?" I saw Jonas look to Piero, who seemed to be still a a bad mood. "Listen..."

a few minutes later

We decided to call the police to report the stolen letters. But I wasn't going to say anything about Chiara, only because we didn't had real proofs of her being a criminal. Besides, Gianluca's memories were partially lost, Jonas fingerprints were also on the listening device and we never even saw Chiara. So they probably wouldn't believe us. We also didn't know what bad things Chiara would do if she found out about our call to the police. So I only told them about the letters. Unfortunately...I had to be content with a 'we'll send someone later' because apparently it was not on top of their list. Something about priorities. It made me angry of course. Later? Was that in 5 minutes, at the end of the day, tonight, maybe tomorrow? "It's already evening? I don't believe they're coming today," Jonas said. "I want to go back to Gianluca!" I said upset. "I'm not going to wait here! NOT!" Jonas nodded like he expected me to say that. "I know, so if you're okay with it, I'll wait here. You go back to Gianluca and Piero...What are you going to do?"
"I'll go to Sofia!" he said. "I need to invite her for tomorrow, remember?" He seemed still a bit angry. Or maybe more sad...or confused. Understandable of course. "Okay, be carefull!" I said. But of course, I didn't had to say that. "Sofia isn't a bad person!" Piero protected her, but I saw he was not really sure.

One day later

We all gathered in the hospital room. Only Piero and Sofia were not there yet. "I hope so that Sofia will be friendly," Gianluca said. "We all hope!" Ignazio said. And at the same time, we heard a loud knock on the door. Piero walked inside and the girl he held hands with made an elegant appearance in her blue cocktaildress. He didn't lie when he said she could be on the cover of a magazine. She was gorgeous, I almost became instantly jealous. Everyone seemed amazed by her appearance. Because the most surprising thing was not her beauty. It was her smile. A real one. You could see it immediately. The smile on her face was definitely not fake, neither was her way of speaking. "Hello everyone!" she said, a introvert. Just like me? "I'm Sofia! But I guess Piero already told you that before?" Gianluca nodded. "Nice to meet you," he said smiling. I saw he thought the same things like I did. He seemed relieved. Just like Ignazio and Jonas. "Nice to meet you too!" she said and she looked around the room to smile to everyone individually. We all smiled back to her. What followed was a normal talk like everyone has when they meet the new girlfriend of a friend. But then the unusual question followed. "Sofia? Can I ask you something?" Gianluca asked a bit nervous. Hopefully she couldn't see that. "Of course!" she said. "Have we met before? It seems like I have seen you before? I only can't remember." She seemed sad now. After a few seconds of silence she opened her mouth again. "It's possible indeed!" she said, what made us all wait in suspence for the rest of her explanation. "I...I have a twin sister...Chiara!" Then she looked to Piero's reaction. Like she could feel what the real reason was why we asked her. Piero looked surprised but not totally. It was quite predictable by now. "I'm sorry I never told you before...Piero. She just doesn't exist anymore! Not for me!" she said to him, feeling guilty about the fact she held back that information about her twin sister. "I really wanted to tell you." Piero lead his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "It's your own choice what you say or not. As long as you're honest in the heart!" She smiled and kissed him back. He went with his hand trough her hair and they stared in each others eyes for a long time. "Ahum..." Jonas said to make them realize we were still in the room too. They both stopped looking into each others eyes, they held hands instead. They formed one team already. Just like me and Gianluca. 

Sofia first smiled but then her smile faded away. "Have you seen Chiara?" she asked confused. ", yes, she visits me sometimes!" Gianluca said. "What? Do you know her? Is she a friend of yours?" That would be very weird so Gianluca said 'no' immediately. "Definitaly not! But she says some weird things and we need to know why." This was actually against the conditions of Piero. We weren't allowed to tell her we thought Chiara was a bad person, but it seemed she already knew. "Tell me everything!" she said, letting Piero's hand go and coming closer to Gianluca. "If you tell everything you know about her too!" Gianluca said. She seemed okay with it. I hoped we were one step closer to make an end of this weird situation. One thing was sure, Sofia was a different person than Chiara, otherwise Gianluca would have made a sign or something like that so we knew she was Chiara. 

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