Chapter 4

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The next morning

I walked down the stairs, very quiet, trying not to wake Gianluca. The sun was already shining and everything seemed okay. No stalker in the neighbourhood, so no problem, I hoped.
Not surprised at all, but still very sweet, there was a letter lying on a plate, especially for me. Once in a while, we wrote a letter to each other, like we used to do when I was still living in Belgium. "Let's see what he has to tell me on this sunny morning", I said to myself while I sat down and opened the letter at the same time.

"Dearest Aline

I hope you slept well. I'm probably still sleeping and dreaming about you! Or maybe I'm coming down the stairs to see what you think of my letter.

And indeed, after reading that sentence, I heard him walking down the stairs. "Are you clear-sighted?" I shouted without turning toward him. He stood behind me while I read further.

"Do you remember that day, we coincidentally met each other in the streets of Rome. It was raining. I was not recognizable or at least that was what I was aiming for. It didn't last long before you recognized me. And I was so happy you did!

Do you remember that night we were dancing underneath the moon. I was singing some Il Volo songs and my eyes couldn't stop looking into yours. (That hasn't changed a single fraction for sure!)

Do you remember that day we were cycling in Abruzzo. Nothing special, some will say. But we know better!

Do you remember doing the dishes two days ago. That used to be boring and stupid and not funny at all. But back then, for example, it was hilarious and a very beautiful moment.

Do you remember last week, Saturday evening, we were watching some movies together. To me it was like heaven. We were lying in each other's arms. I was looking more to you than to the television, for sure.

Aline De Smedt, I want a billion of moments like that...with you! I want to grow old with you! I want cute little (and later not so little anymore) babies with you. I just want a life with you. Because without you, I'm afraid there is no life. But with you, life couldn't be better!

So do you remember that night when we were looking at the stars. I just bought you a star and you asked how it was called. And I said 'It's called: Aline De Smedt, will you marry me?' And you said 'yes'!
Do you remember? ...I do, I think about it every day. And I think it's time to make more memories together. I think it's time to make work of our wedding, if you agree of course. What do you say? Turn around and tell me!



Gianluca's POV

I couldn't see her face. And I didn't know how far she was with reading my letter. Although I was pretty sure she liked what I had written down, I still was nervous about it. But I couldn't think of anything bad about to happen right now.

"I expected to read a wonderful letter like always," she suddenly said, it sounded like she was dissapointed. She didn't turn around at first. "But this is even better than I expected." Than she turned around. Her eyes a bit red and one tear waiting in the corner of it to fall down. "Beautiful," she said and then came to me. Right in front of me, she stopped and looked with her sparkling eyes into mine. "So when are we going to marry?" she smiled. "Tomorrow maybe!" I said, knowing that would be impossible but I just couldn't wait anymore.

"That's a deal!" she laughed while flying around my neck and kissing me. "We probably won't have time enough to make sure everythings alright before tomorrow."
"But I can't wait!" I said like a little child.
"We can still pretend we're marrying?" she suggested.
"What do you mean? Saying 'I do' to each other every second?" I laughed.
"Something like that! Oh and I do too! And you may kiss the bride!" When the last word was out, her lips were already on mine. "This can never fail at the wedding!" she said.
"You think? I think we still have to practice a lot for that!" And then I kissed her again and in my mind I saw her as a real princes in a wonderful white weddingdress!

The doorbell. "Noooo, not agaaain!" she said irritated. I had to admit it was more than on other days. Once a day is not very nice. "Sssh, I said. We'll just do as if we didn't hear that," I smiled. "Great idea!" she said smiling. "Why didn't we do that earlier?" But then it happened again. The doorbell. The very irritating sound of the very stupid doorbell. "Why are you looking like that?" she asked me, clearly very good in pretending she didn't hear a thing. I laughed a bit too loud, so she laid her finger on my lips. She never did that before. "That's my thing," I said while her finger was still on my lips. She only smiled.

Aline's POV

While I was pretending I didn't hear something, I secretly was thinking about the possible stalker we had. Or the one Gianluca had, like he said yesterday. Maybe it was her?
"Is he or she gone?" I asked. "I don't know," Gianluca said while walking away from me. He looked through the window. "Don't see someone here." It was a relief actually. But I also wanted to know who it was.
"Let it go!" he said while he stood next to me again. So he saw again what I really was thinking. I smiled but it wasn't that easy to let it go. "Tell me why I actually can't forget about it?" I said, looking worried into his eyes. "Probably because of the same reason why I can't forget it!" I was surprised by that. So even though it seemed he had soon forgotten it after yesterday, he actually didn't at all, just like me. "Because I don't want anything bad to happen to you!" he added after a few seconds, while laying his hand on my shoulder. I laid my hand on his hand and realized he probably was right. I couldn't describe it before. But this feeling was not because I was afraid anything would happen to me, but definitely because I was caring of Gianluca so much. "That's indeed it!"

"Jonas," I sighed. "Huh, what?" Gianluca said a bit confused. "Jonas was right I guess. He didn't want to tell it because he knew how we would feel about it. And he was definitely right because even without seeing it with our own eyes, we have now the feeling there is indeed a stalker. Like all the time."

"Maybe we should go far away from here?" Gianluca said enthousiast. "On vacation!"
"I don't know," I said. "If there really is a stalker, then she would probably follow us and then nothing changed."
"You're right," he said. After a few seconds of silence, his enthousiasm came back. "We can call the police! Simple but effective!"
"What are you gonna tell them? 'Hello, can you come over. We have a stalker but we never saw her and we never had problems with her!' I don't think they would come!" Gianluca looked sad now. "What can I do then to make you forget about it?" he said, hoping I would have the solution. "Maybe we should tell it to Piero and Ignazio. If there is a stalker following you, because it is like you mentioned earlier, probably all because of you, they perhaps noticed something suspicious. And if not, they can keep an eye on it too!"
He smiled again. "Great idea, let's start with that and we'll see what follows." 

And then, I suddenly jumped half a meter in the air, because of a sudden sound at the backdoor in the kitchen...

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