Chapter 28

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"The stalker-thing. I remember it. When I was home to pick something up for Carlotta and Vio..."
"Wait!" Jonas interrupted me. "We're coming to you again. One minute!" It seemed everyone was coming to my room now.

Chiara's POV

I wanted to go to the entrance of the hospital but unfortunately, I was not the only one with that idea. Just when I started to move in that direction, the boy, I suppose it was Aline's brother, and girl did the same. "Never mind!" I thought. Plan B, which was actually plan C, would be for later. I walked to the car, hoping they hadn't taken a picture of it or my number plate and decided to go home and pick up my white car. That was way better than leaving the car here and they could see the number plate to tell to the police or something like that.

Gianluca's POV

One minute later they walked inside. "Tell us...what do you remember!" Jonas said. "So, I was saying...I remember everything about the stalker. She came to me when I wanted to come back to the hospital with Viola's present and some other things for her and Carlotta."
"What! That's amazing! I mean, you remember things we didn't knew yet! That can be helpfull! Go on!" Jonas said.
"So...she said something about the letters. I'm pretty sure about that. I can't remember what it was. But the point is. I saw that black car standing across the street. It was hers. And so the other point I wanna make, is...the stalker...was Chiara!"
"I knew it!" Jonas said excitedly, like it was a game. But this was actually worse. It was real and Chiara was not only evil, but she was also the stalker AND she stole the letters. That was obvious because Jonas and Carlotta saw them in her car. "So everything has something to do with everything?" Carlotta noticed. "So maybe...the accident..."
"Yeah, great, great! Good job Carlieee!" Jonas interrupted her, still reacting a bit too happy in my opinion. Because to me this wasn't a game. This was the hard truth and I felt more and more uncomfortable. "We need to tell the others!" Jonas said, taking his phone. "No, no! I already called and texted them!" I said. "I wasn't feeling quite safe alone in this room. What if Chiara would've come back? She could have kidnapped me." 
"Oh, you're right," Jonas said. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about that!"
"Never mind, you're here now. And we already know more things then we ever would've hoped to know, I think."
Jonas nodded happy. "True!"
"So..." I said. "Time to call the police?"
"What? No!" Jonas said. "What if she finds out?"
"But you have taken a picture of her number plate, right?"
"...Oh..." Jonas said. Carlotta facepalmed herself, so I knew they hadn't been that smart for once. "What are you waiting for, go back then!" I shouted at them. Jonas ran outside and Carlotta stayed with me. "We forgot the car when we were on the phone with you."
"I hope the it is still there!" I only said. It would have been a real proof this time. But if she was already gone, we had no real proofs, only some stories and hypotheses.

A few minutes later, Jonas came back with a guilty look on his face. "That was the stupidest thing I've ever done!" His head was directed to the ground. I felt sorry for him. I was not angry of course but very disappointed about the fact, the real proof just drove away, together with the letters. "At least we know now that she is the thief and the stalker..."
"...and the stupidest person on planet earth!" Carlotta ended my sentence.

"Could she really be the reason for my car-accident?" I asked, but for sure it was a dumb question. Of course she could. She was the devil herself. "I think that's quite possible, yeah," Carlotta said. Jonas nodded to agree with his wife. "Oh my..." A knock on the door interrupted me. "Hi Igna, come in. She's gone. Car gone. Letters gone. Life's gone."
"What?" he said confused.

"I'll explain it to you!" Jonas said. When he was done explaining, he already had to start over because Aline had arrived, very fast, I suppose it was all for me! I smiled, because she was the only one who could make me smile without thinking what I was doing. That's just what she does to me whenever I catch sight of her. She walked over to me and greeted me with a long kiss on the lips. Like it was the only thing we needed to survive and be happy again. Since we were both satisfied again, she took my hand and started to listen what Jonas had to say. She couldn't believe it. "No way!" she shouted. "You mean, she is the stalker, the thief, the one that made Gianluca have a car accident. So actually also the one that made him lose his memories?" Jonas an Carlotta nodded at the same time. "Makes sense actually, who else would do such a thing." Then she looked me in the eyes again, clearly feeling sorry for what had happened to me. She still held my hand and lifted it to her mouth. A kiss right on top, made me forget all my worries for an extra second. Mostly I was the one who did that. But it seemed, Aline had taken on the role of the protector this time. "Protection kisses," she whispered before she gave me another one on my forehead. After our little moment, Piero and Sofia arrived. "Okaaay," Jonas said laughing, "time for the story...for the fourth time!" He started explaining what happened and what we thought about the situation. "You really need to call the police now!" Sofia said. Piero agreed, Aline agreed and I was thinking the same thing. "No? Really? What if she f..."
"If she finds out, she will come and kill us all! If she doesn't know we called the police, she will probably do the same. It only will be longer before the police will notice!" Piero said. I shivered. I knew he didn't really meant it that way, I also knew he didn't want it to happen but it sounded creepy. "Please, Piero..." I said, looking to him with an expression of 'first think about what you say before you scare us all!'

"So, the police!" Jonas said, not totally convinced about why he took his phone but still doing what he was supposed to do. We all waited silently for them to pick up the phone. "'s to report a crime and to prevent another very bad one!" he said. "Yes...Jonas De Smedt, brother from Aline De Smedt, who already called you about the stolen box with the letters...Okay!...We're in Gianluca Ginoble's room in the hospi...Yes, that one!..."

Twenty minutes later

The small hospital room was now filled with 9 people. The two police officers stood in front of us all. "Okay, who is the thief?" the big one with the ugly beard asked. "Probably Chiara Costantini?" Jonas said. "Probably? I thought you had to report a crime and now you don't even know about who we are talking?" The other police officer, the more friendly one obviously, interrupted him. "Can anyone tell us why you think that?"

An hour later

We all told our story. Jonas told them about the car and the stalker-thing, I told them about Chiara and what I remembered from the moments before the accident. One important thing I did remember, was that I asked Chiara to call the police but I guess she never did. What makes it clear she didn't want to call them at all, because of the reason we all know.

I immediately ran to my car, hoping I could catch the thief somewhere. Before I entered my car, I asked to the woman from the black one if she could call the police. She only nodded and watched me drive away in the direction the thief went apparently.

Sofia told them about her sister and what bad things Chiara had done in the past. Piero supported her by laying his hand on her waist. The police asked for a picture of Chiara, so Sofia gave one of herself, since they look quite similar of course. And an hour after the police men arrived, everyone was gone again. So I had finally some more quality time to spend with my lovely Aline. She lay beside me on the bed, very close to me, otherwise she would fall out. We didn't say much. She had her head on my shoulder and so we both stared to the white wall four meters away, in front of us. "Gianluca?" she suddenly asked. "Aline?"
"Do you...are we...are we still going to marry one day?"
I looked to her immediately, very surprised why she asked that all of a sudden. "Aline..." I said, while laying my hand on the back of her head to make sure she looked me in the eyes, "of course I want to marry you! I want it as soon as possible!" Her sad face changed in a happy one again. "Did you really think I didn't want to marry you anymore?" I asked amazed. She only lifted her shoulders. I kissed her lips and then she said why she was thinking that. "I thought, you probably don't even remember how we met, not to forget about the day you asked me to marry you, so..."
"Stop, stop Aline!" I lifted her chin so she looked to me again. "I love you! Isn't that the most important thing I had to remember?"

She nodded, while putting that cute smile on her face. But I saw she still wasn't convinced that I really wanted to marry her. "Dimmi perché quando penso, penso solo a te!" I started to sing quietly. She smiled even more. And I could only sing further with more passion than before. Her smile gave me the strength I needed. "Dimmi perché quando amo, amo solo te!" I touched her little nose with my fingertip. She giggled and looked endearingly adorable. So I sang further. "Dimmi perché quando vivo, vivo solo in te !" She now was truly convinced that I really loved her and I really wanted to marry her. Just like before the accident. "Grande amooore!" I ended the little song. Still more whispering than singing like I used to do, with a powerful voice and very, very loud. It seemed she like this silent version. "I think about you every second. I think that's a decent sign that I love you very very much!" I said. Her head was again on my shoulder. Her eyes closed, breathing in and out softly. "Per sempre!" she only said and I immediately knew what that meant.

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