Chapter 35

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5th of January 2019

The party last week had been great. All families were gathered together at the parental house of Gianluca. His parents really wanted to organize it because they wanted to thank everyone for the support for their son. They were really happy Gianluca had such an amazing friends to take care of him and to keep him company. I was happy about that too. I was glad I could even call them my friends as well. Not only Piero and Ignazio, also all the other friends from him. The people from Abruzzo, the ones you see on Instagram pictures or the people who are with him when fans meet Gianluca at the beach.

My parents and sister (even her boyfriend) were in Italy again to celebrate the start of the new year together with us. I really loved moments like that, when everyone I loved was on one place. Then I wanted to stop the world forever. Unfortunatelly that wasn't possible. But you know, there are always new wonderful moments coming up. New chances to make beautiful memories. For example the upcoming concert, which was tomorrow. It was kind of a new year's special although it was already the 6th of January tomorrow. Il volo was invited by the mayor of Rome to sing in 'auditorium parco della musica' again. It was the place where I first saw Il Volo. To me, a very wonderful memory but Gianluca forgot it partially. It wasn't a surprise anymore that he had forgotten things. But I hoped he would remember it as soon as we were there again.

Yesterday we went to the hospital. Finally Gianluca's plaster got removed. He was so happy. And I was relieved too. Because now we could hug again. Like really hug each other!

Last days, Gianluca kept singing Il Volo songs, a little bit against his enthusiasm because he preferred reading the letters. It were a lot of letters and he still hadn't finished reading them. But even if he did, I was sure he would read them again and again. I had to watch Gianluca sing the songs. Not only because he wanted me next to him, also because I had to check if he did it like he sang them before. Same sound, same movements, same passion. "I think you're still the same Gianluca if I see this!" I said as a compliment to him. He didn't smile. "You forgot the mistakes I made?" he said upset. "No, but you are working on it so it will be fine! Just practice some more times today. You still have tomorrow too!" The concert would be in the evening of course, so he had some extra time to practice the songs. "Okay, now I'm going to sing 'Per te ci sarò'. "Okay!" I nodded. I watched him singing every song. He sang it all for me. But it was different because he was practicing. Sometimes he interrupted himself because of a tiny mistake. "I didn't even notice that!" I said when that happened. "I did!" he only said upset. He sighed and continued the song. Than he paused again. This time not because he made a mistake. "You know I'm a perfectionist, right?" I nodded to him. "I'm not going to make a thousand mistakes tomorrow! NOT!" he said. "You won't make mistakes if you keep practicing. You remember so much of it! More than we both expected. Be proud of it! Besides, the fans are going to understand it if you make a mistake. Everyone has read about the accident in the magazines or on the internet." It seemed like he thought I was right but he was not entirely convinced he was going to do it well at the concert. "One song and then you can read another letter!" I said. And there was his gorgeous smile again. "Okay!" he said and walked to the door from the living room where we were practicing the songs. "Hey, no Gianluca...not now!" I said while I stood up to make him turn and go inside the living room again. "AFTER the song!" I laughed. "But I was just going to choose a letter to read...AFTER the song!" he said smiling. "I would like to believe that but I don't!" I laughed. He giggled and then sang the song again from the start, this time with more enthusiasm then the previous time.

that evening

"I hope I don't forget the words tomorrow! That's my worst nightmare!" Gianluca said while staring at the ceiling in our bedroom. "You won't!" I said. "You practiced the songs for five days."
He sighed again. "Yeah, but maybe when I wake up..."
"Gianluca," I said while now hanging with my head above him. "Close your eyes and sleep!" It was already late and I was trying to sleep. But Gianluca couldn't sleep, so me neither. He was moving to much and he was talking. 

"But what if the critics laugh with me? Maybe they will write about it and then Piero and Ignazio will be the victim of that too. Because I'm not alone! If I mess up, Il Volo is messing up!"
"No Gianluca! If you mess up, Ignazio and Piero are going to help you! It won't be a big disaster! You didn't make a mistake today! Okay, maybe some little mistakes this morning but that's a long time ago now!" Gianluca closed his eyes. He was really worrying about the concert. And actually I understood it because I was a perfectionist too. And when a perfectionist needs to perform, he wants to do it in a perfect way. "Goodnight!" Gianluca said all of a sudden. "Are you ready to sleep?" I asked. He smiled so I supposed we were finally going to sleep. "Buonna notte amore mio!" I said and gave him a goodnight kiss. "Buonna notte principessa!" he smiled with his eyes already closed. 

the next day

Just three more hours and the concert was going to start. We were almost in Rome. Piero was already there together with Sofia of course and Ignazio was also on his way he texted. Gianluca's parents, Ernesto and some of his friends were going to come too. They all wanted to support Gianluca of course. And he needed the support because he was again worrying about the mistakes he was going to make. Of course it was possible he was going to make some mistakes but I was quite sure it were not going to be as much mistakes as he thought he was going to make.

Our plan for after the show was, staying in the hotel they always went in Rome. It was the hotel I've been a couple of times too! We played soccer in the garden and we danced underneath the stars while Gianluca sang songs for me. I hoped so he was going to remember it. I remembered very well because to me it seemed like that only happened yesterday. And it was already three years ago.

A few minutes later I parked the car in front of the hotel. I decided to drive because Gianluca was too nervous this time. I was not a hero on the road but I nailed it. "Well done!" Gianluca smiled, knowing I didn't like driving that much. "I know, I know!" I said proud.

Our hotel room looked so clean you could literally eat of the floor there. "I'm gonna practice some songs again!" Gianluca said as soon as we entered the room. "Good, but first I need to ask you something. Actually, I need to tell you something before I can ask it." He now looked curiously in my direction. "Something bad?" he asked worried. "No, no!" I said. "Not really..."

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