Chapter 23

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"No way!" Piero said upset. "Sofia is not Chiara and Chiara is not my Sofia!" Of course I wanted Piero to be happy, but it was quite suspicious that we described those girls in almost exactly the same way.

"Tall, blond hair and very beautiful, like a model. Oh and very friendly, but still not as special as Aline!"

"We need to see Sofia!" Jonas said. "We really need to see her to know if she is Chiara!" I agreed with him. Maybe she wasn't her but if she was, we needed to know it as soon as possible. Imagine, Piero thinking that liar is his true love? We needed to protect him!

"No!" Piero said short. "Listen Piero, I know you now strongly believe she isn't Chiara but what if it is like that? Then, it's better to know it right now!" Piero was angry, that was obvious. He stood there with his arms over each other, sulking like a little kid.

"Don't think about it!" he said angry. "Are you serious?" Jonas asked. "It's the next and only step in our plan. You know how important this is!" I thought it would be better to stop about it for a while. Piero didn't seem happy at all. But Jonas continued trying to persuade him further. "If Chiara has really two personalities, than she's even worse than we thought! Please Piero! It's important and you know it!"

Piero walked to the door. "Pierooo?" Jonas shouted. "Don't be so childish." But he was already gone. "Eh...merry christmas?" I said, feeling bad Piero was angry at us on a day like this. Jonas smiled and said that Piero would come back soon enough. He was indeed the smartest of us all because Piero already stood back in the door opening. "Sorry guys!" he said while watching to his phone. "I have a picture from her on my phone, I mean from us two." He walked towards me, because of course I was the only one who knew how Chiara looked like, since she had no facebook account. I searched for it one day, but didn't found anything. What made it even more suspicious because nowadays, everyone has facebook. 

I was really hoping I could tell Piero she didn't look like her at all. But strange enough...she did. "Eh..." I didn't know how to tell it to Piero. "I'm not sure but eh...the resemblance is eh...quite good!" Piero nodded his head in disbelief. "No, no, no!" Jonas reached out for the phone. He looked at it and said she didn't seem a mean girl. "Thanks!" Piero said. "I admit she...looks different from Chiara! But how can two people look like each other so much!" Piero looked angry. I didn't expect more help from him anymore. So I looked to Jonas. He nodded his head, clearly to agree with something he thought about in his mind. "It's possible!" he said. "If they are twins!"

"That's it!" I said excited, quite sure Sofia and Chiara had to be twins but forgetting Piero's feelings. "Oh...Piero, doesn't mean Sofia is a bad person!" I said, but actually if she really was the sister of Chiara, I didn't trust her already. He looked to the picture on his phone, after he took it abruptly out of Jonas' hands. "How can this gorgeous, sweet, nice woman be a bad person?" he said. I didn't know what to say anymore. Even Jonas didn't know. If Sofia was Chiara or any other relative from her, it could break his heart in a thousand tiny pieces. He never had a lot of girlfriends. I can't even remember when he had one actually. And now he had one, she would probably break his heart immediately. But of course we didn't know yet. We needed to see her and maybe ask her if she has a twin sister.

After a silence, Jonas started to talk again. "I understand your reaction, Piero, but maybe you can invite her to meet your friends? Than we can see her." Piero kept quiet. I suddenly thought about the fact I never told him what Chiara's surname was. I hoped so it wouldn't be the same as Sofia's. "Piero, what's her surname?" I asked carefully. He looked at me like that question was very suspicious. "Costantini!" he said slowly, frowning his eyebrows. 

"This can't be a coincidence!" I said. They both looked shocked. "It's the same?" Jonas asked. I nodded, feeling quite bad for Piero. He kept repeating 'no' al the time, but it was obvious he realized his new girlfriend was family from Chiara. "Calm down Piero!" Jonas said, "It doesn't mean she's bad! I said that before. Besides, we both think she looks really friendly on that picture." Piero looked devastated. "This can't be true!" he said. No one said something else after that. We all waited till something more nice would happen. Like someone remembering he said the wrong surname. Didn't happen though.

Piero started to walk to the door. Jonas followed him. They were probably going to talk about Chiara and Sofia. The names did actually sound very good together. I didn't want to think about it for a moment. So I thought about the other and only thing that was on my mind all the time, Aline. I missed her. There was nothing I was more sure about than my love for Aline and her love for me. I felt it! We were made for each other. But that made it so hard to be alone in the boring hospital room. How I wish I could hold her in my arms or...kiss her. I searched for the song I used to sing at concerts that was the most appropriate on a moment like this. Something about missing someone special. Because music really helped me in difficult times.

 I listened to my own voice from a video recorded by a fan. I luckily remembered every lyric. I remembered the feelings too, so I almost started crying when I thought about the reason why I always sang that song. It was Aline, it has always been her. On times she was not with me, I sang this song with so much passion and love for her. I sang it when we broke up a few years ago and I sang it when she was just at home and I was performing on a place far away from her. This song was for Aline. And since I remembered that, I really was sure I never loved someone else. Not a year ago, not now, not tomorrow!

The song was almost over and someone walked inside. It were Piero and Jonas. "I'll invite her to see my friends!" Piero immediately said. "Tomorrow we will be here!" Jonas smiled, happy with Piero's decision. "But Jonas and I had made an agreement. I only want to do it at one condition: don't tell her the things we know about Chiara. I don't want her to be mad at me for thinking her sister or what she might be, is a bad person. You can say she looks similar to someone you've seen before and maybe she will say she has a twin sister without you need to ask that. Okay? Then that's a deal!" he said without really waiting for an answer. "Okay," I said quiet. "But did she never told you about her sister?" Piero lifted his shoulders. "We...we just know each other. I haven't told her about my siblings either!" he said in defence of his girlfriend. Luckily someone knocked on the door to make an end of the silence that filled the room afterwards.

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