Chapter 2 The key

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It turned morning and Jason woke up. An hour later,Leo wakes up. "Should we wake her,or let her sleep?" Jason ask Leo. "Let her sleep,she needs it." Leo said. Two hours later Bella wakes up. "Good morning." Leo said. "Good morning." Bella said while getting out of the tent. "Here." Jason said while giving Bella some food. "Thanks." Bella said. Bella,Leo,and Jason finished eating. "Are you ready to go back?" Leo said. "Yea I am." Bella said. Leo walks Bella back to her camp. Kayla,Bree,and Isa is still asleep. "I am going to make food for them." Bella said. "Ok I will head back to my camp." Leo said. "Ok." Bella said while Leo went back. Bella starts cooking the food. "Whats that smell?" Bree said while waking up the girls. "I do not know smells good!!" Isa said. They all went out and saw Bella. "Bella....your alive!!" Kayla yelled. "Yea I am,and I made some food." Bella said. "Thanks!" They all said. "You are welcome. So get you plate and eat." Bella said while smiling. They all got their plates and started to eat. Then a noise came out of the forest. They all ran to the noise. "Whats wrong?" Bella said. Jason and Leo star to point at a bush. Bella starts walking to the bush." Bella be careful." Leo said. "Ok." Bella said. Bella friends went close to Jason and Leo. "How do you know Bella?" Kayla asked. "We will tell you later." Jason said. As Bella gets closer,a wolf comes out and bites her. Before Bella went down,she grabbed something around the wolf's neck. It was a key. The wolf ran away. "BELLA." Kayla yells. The girls ran to her. Bella puts the key in her pocket. "She got bit." Isa yelled. Bring her here." Leo said. Kayla gets Bella and puts on a log. Leo gets a little part of his shirt and puts it on Bella's arm. 5 mins later,they all saw a flash of light in Bella's pocket. They all went to Bella, and Leo got the key. The key starts to glow. Bella started to float and the key was in front of her. The key went in Bella and Bella went to the ground. Bella wakes up. "Bella are you ok?" Bree said. "Yea why?" Bella said. Then everyone told her what happened. "The question is,where did you get the key?" Isa said. "The wolf that bit me,I saw a key so I took it." Bella said. It starts to get night. "You all can stay here." Leo said. They all went to sleep.

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