Chapter 16 Love Is Powerful

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"What do you want?" Grace said. "I want you. If you don't come with me like old times then I will drop your friends." The Dark Lord said. "Old times has passed." Grace said getting louder every time. "Fine." The Dark Lord said while dropping Kevin in the water. "NO STOP. FINE I WILL GO WILL YOU. Just let my boy friend and my friends go. Then I will go with you." Grace said while started to cry. The Dark Lord let go of Grace's friends. Grace put her hand out,and a force field covered Grace's friends. And Grace put them on the ground. "Here you will be safe." Grace said. "Why did you say that I was your boy friend?" Kevin asked. "I am sorry I just said anything just to get all of you back." Grace said. "Now it's time for me to leave." Grace said while walking to The Dark Lord. The Dark Lord made a portal. "Wait." Kevin yelled. Grace looked back. Grace and Kevin ran to each other. "What's wrong?" Grace said. "I don't want you to leave." Kevin said. "But I have to." Grace said. "Well before you leave." Kevin said. Then Kevin kissed Grace. And Grace kissed Kevin back. "Grace let's go." The Dark Lord said. Grace stops kissing and started heading to the Dark Lord. Then Grace and The Dark Lord leave in the portal.

Kevin POV
"We should get going." Hope said. "Yea." Kayla said. I couldn't even say thing. "Come on." Leo said. "Okay." I said. "Hey. Grace will be fine." Leo said. "How do you got over, when Bella left?" I said. "I didn't. I still think about her all the time. But, I looked at the stars and say, "Bella, if you can here me, I haven't stopped looking for you. I know that you died, but I have hope that you are still alive." Leo said. "Really. You said all that?" I asked. "Yea. Every night." Leo said. "Thanks for giving me hope." I said. "You are welcome." Leo said. "Where is the last crystal?" Hope said. "This can't be true." Kayla said while looking at he map. "What's wrong?" Leo said. "The last crystal is right here." Kayla said. "What?" Hope said. "But there is not cave." Leo said. "We should set up camp." Hope said. "Yea. It's getting night." Leo said. We all set up camp. They all went to sleep,but I stayed up. I got out of my tent,and went over to the spot that the cave was supposed to be. Then I look at the stars and say,"Grace I love you. I don't know if you can here me but,I know you went in the portal with the Dark Lord to save us. Thanks for that. I am going to find you. If something happens to you,I can't live with my self. You mean the whole world to me. I will not stop looking,till you are safe in my arms." I said. Then out of sudden,a cave came out. "What is this doing here? And how did it get here?" I said softly. I went in the cave. It was so dark. Then the torches on the walls lit in flames. I walked deeper and deeper,and the torches lit. Then I came to this door. I opened the door and walked in. I saw this big rock in the middle of the room. In the middle of the rock had a crystal. The crystal was bright pink. It started glowing when I got closer. Then I step back. "There is nothing to be afraid about." I voice said. "Who is there?" I said. "I am not going to hurt you." The voice said. "Then,show your self." I said. Then this ghost girl came out. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "Nothing. I just came to tell you something." The girl said. "What is it?" I said. "It's about Grace." The girl said. "How do you know Grace?" I asked. "I am one of Grace's friends." The girl said. "Your one of the hiders." I said. "Yes. I hide the pink crystal." The girl said. "And I have one more question. Grace's friend could not find the cave, but I did. How is that possible?" I said. "The way you said that you love her and you would not stop looking, till you found her. That is the way of the heart." The girl said. "I don't get it." I said. "Okay. I am the love girl. This cave was only for one person." The girl said. "Someone that loved Grace so much, that person is me?" I asked. "Yes. So you have to save Grace." The girl said. "Save Grace from what?" I asked. "Not what. Who?" The girl said. I had to think. "The Dark Lord." I yelled. "Yes." The girl said. "I have to go." I said. "No wait. Here." The girl said. "Take the pink crystal." The girl said. "What kind of power does it have?" I asked the girl. "The power is really powerful. This crystal can turn someone back to the
Their self, and grant one wish." The girl said. "But it can only be used once. But when Grace get the power, then she can grant more than one wish." "Thanks." I said. I started heading to the top. "Wait. Just a warning, when you get there, Grace would not be the same." The girl said.

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