Chapter 5 The Affect

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"Oh no I have to get out of here." Bella said while transform back to herself. Bella starts heading back then these two wolves came out, and attached Bella. Bella gets her sword and cuts them both in half. Then another one came and scratch her, then Bella cut him in half. Bella did not know that she got scratch. Bella went to the tree. Leo saw her and he went down from the tree. "Bella your arm, it's bleeding." Leo said. "Oh... I did not notice." Bella said. "What happen?" Kayla said while getting down from the tree. Then everyone got down. "Oh...these wolves attack" Bella said while passing out. "Bella." Leo yells, while running to catch Bella before she hits the ground. "Bella please wake up." Leo said. "She been scratched by a wolf." A voice said. "Who's there?" Bree said. "Please don't hurt us." Isa said. "She won't hurt us." Bella said while opening her eyes. "Bella?" Leo said. "What do you mean she won't hurt us?" Jason asked. "Sh....e is a witch,a good one." Bella said while closing her eyes. "She's right." The witch said. "Bella." Leo said while looking down. "Can you help her?" Leo said. "I can only slow it down." The witch said. "Do anything." Leo said. "Well we can't do it here. Follow me." The witch said. The group follow behind her. The witch led the group to her house. They all walked in. "Put her on the bed." The witch said. Leo puts Bella on her bed. And he stays there beside her saying "Bella is me Leo just please wake up." "You all should get some sleep. They are some beds upstairs." The witch said. "Thanks for helping us." Emma said. "Your all welcome! Now get some sleep." The witch said with a warn smile. They all went upstairs. "Leo can you help me?" The witch said. "Yea,but what can I help with?" Leo asked the witch. "Here put this on her head." The witch said. Leo put this cold wet rag on Bella's head. *An hour later* Bella starts having a nightmare. "Bella calm down." Leo said. "What's wrong with her?" Leo ask. "Oh no, it's the affect of the scratch of a wolf." The witch said with a frown while talking away. "What are you doing, do something." Leo yelled while trying to keep Bella calm. "I can't." The witch said. "Why?" Leo said. "Because my friend was scratched by a wolf and I tried everything but,she died." The witch said while crying. "I am sorry,I did not know. But may I ask,what is your name?" Leo asked the witch. "It's fine. My name is...." The witch said before Bella cut her off. "Hope." Grace said while waking up from the nightmare,and start to rasing up. "How did you know my name?" The witch ask. "Dose the name Grace sounds familar?" Bella said. "Yea,you knew her?" The witch said. Grace gets up from the bed and said,"I am Grace." "What??? That cant be,I saw you died." The witch said. "Well the Alpha wolf send three wolves to find me. When you wen outside to cool down,they went inside and got me,and brought me back home. The Alpha wolf tried everything,and one day one of the wolves was trying to fix me but,the wolf nocked a potion on me and that's how I got my power." Grace said. "Wow Bella I did not know that." Leo said. "Bella? Who's Bella?" Grace said.

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