Chapter 3 The map

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The next morning Bella woke up. When Bella got out of her tent she find some footprints. She wakes up Leo. They both follow the footprints. They find a camp. In front of the tent they find girl who was hurt. Bella ran up to her. "Are you okay? What happen?" Bella said while Leo ran to her. "Some wolves came out and bit my arm." The girl said. "What is your name?" Bella ask. "Emma." She said while closing her eyes. "Hey look at me,you are not going to die. Not today." Bella yelled while put her hand on Emma's arm. Then a flash of light came. Everyone looked at Bella and then looked back at Emma. "Bella what did you do?" Isa said while running to Emma. Isa checked Emma's arm and saw the bit was gone. Everyone went to Emma. "Thanks." Emma said to Bella. "I did not know you have magic." Kayla said to Bella. "I do not have any magic." Bella said while passing out. "BELLA." Leo yelled while running to her. "Bella please wake up." Leo said. 5 mins later Bella wakes up. "What happened?" Bella said while waking up. "Bella you are awake. You passed out while using you power." Bree said. "Wait the key!" Bella said. "What about it?" Isa said. "The key gave me powers." Bella said. Everyone starts looking at Bella. Bella gets up and see that she healed Emma. "Emma are you ok?" Bella said. "Yea thanks for healing me." Emma said. "You are welcome." Bella said while smiling. "I think this belongs to you." Bree said while giving Emma her map back. "Yea it is but I can not read it." Emma said. "Here let me see." Kayla said. "Everyone tried it but Bella." Jason said. Everyone starts looking at Bella. Bella gets the map and open it. Then a flash of light came. "BELLA." Leo yells while running to her. "Are you ok?" Bree said. "Yea I am fine but the map,I can see it." Bella said. "You can! Here let me see." Jason said while Bella gives him the map. "I don't see anything. Are you playing with us?" Jason said. "I guess I am the only one that can read it." Bella said. "So wait the key gave you power. The key was from the wolf that bit me and you. WOW this is going to be a new chapter in my book!!!" Emma said. "Wait do you hear that?" Bree said to everyone one. Everyone gets quite and looks around. "I hear nothing." Kayla said. Bella and Leo looks at each other. "GET DOWN." Leo yells. Everyone gets down and starts looking at Leo. "What is going on?" Jason said. "Someone is watching us." Leo said. "How do you know?" Bree asked. "Me and Leo heard something too." Bella said. Bella raised up. "Bella stay down." Kayla said. Bella looks around and these hairy,scary,big wolfs surrounded them. They got closer and closer.

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