Chapter 14: Complicated Connections

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(A/N: I decided that I would draw a picture of Mayu and Mika together this time.

I wanted to draw it because there aren't many Mika x Mayu moments in this story (there will be soon though) so I thought this would be good to draw. :3

Hope u all like it! :3)

P.S. sorry about the youtube video. I couldn't find the actual, non-nightcore version of opening two to Owari No Seraph, so I could only use the nightcore version. >~<

Still, hope u enjoy this chapter!)

Mayu's P.O.V

I sighed, taking in a deep breath of the cool night air. It had been awhile since I had been out at night. I kinda started to miss looking at the stars.

"Lend me your power, Asuramaru." Yuu said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He looked up at Shinoa curiously. "So is this demon possession?" He asked. Shinoa shook her head.

"No, we need to take it a step further." She stated. I looked at her, starting to get slightly worried.

"Wait. A step further? This sounds a bit trouble some."

Shinoa pointed at Yuu's sword. "Maintain that condition, cut yourself, and say "drink my blood" to your sword." Yuu looked at Shinoa suspisously. "Blood? Sounds like a vampire."

Shinoa nodded. "Well, there's a lot between the relations of demons and devils. Would you like to hear about them?" She asked, smiling.

Kimizuki shook his head. "No, we just need to know how it works. Let's do this, Yuu." He said, drawing his weapons. Yuu smirked, about to cut himself. Mitsuba quickly stopped them.

"Stop! We're screwed if you both fail." She said as Shinoa nodded in agreement. "The demon could get out of control if the possession fails. That's why we came all the way out of the wall."

I gripped my weapon tightly. "What do you mean by get out of control?" I asked, starting to get worried. I looked over at Yuu.

"Does she mean...that if the demon gets out of control, we might go berserk like Yuu-kun did a couple weeks ago?"

Before either Shinoa or Mitsuba could answer my question, Yoichi cut us off. "You guys! We got a problem!" He shouted startling us all.

"What is it?!" I shouted back, getting ready to rush to his aid. Yoichi pulled back the string of his bow, causing an arrow to materialize.

"Four Horsemen of John are coming." He said, looking around the area to see how many there were. "Three, four, five of them." Yoichi stated.

Yuu clicked his tongue in annoyance."Bad timing." My eyes narrowed. "Need any help!" I asked. Yoichi shook his head. "No. I got this!"

Yoichi took a deep breath, pulling the string of the bow back a bit further.

"Shoot the enemies, Gekkouin. Let's protect everyone!"

My eyes widened as I saw this huge green and black demon materialize behind Yoichi. When did he learn to do that?!! Even I couldn't do that with all the harsh training a received a few days ago!

Yoichi fired the arrow, annihilating all of the Four Horsemen of John in the area. When he ran up to us, I gave him a giant hug. "That was so cool Yoichi-kun!!" I exclaimed as he laughed and hugged me back.

"W-Wait, did you just manifest your demon?! Oi, Shinoa! Explain!" Yuu shouted, pointing at Yoichi. "Did you give training to him only?!" Kimizuki asked, just as surprised.

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