VI: Good news and Bad news

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Hazel Levesque

My name is Hazel Levesque. I am a daughter of Pluto, and I am afraid of the Underworld.

Hey! Don't judge me. You weren't the one who got to experience death, the Fields of Asphodel, after giving up my chance to go to Elysium so my mom wouldn't have to suffer eternal punishment in the Fields of Punishment.

As teenagers say these days: You don't know mah life!

Being here, reminded me the feeling all over again.

I shivered.

Nico shadow traveled us near Hades' Palace, in a distance I could see an island surrounded by water.

Yes. And island surrounded by water. Genius, Hazel. Genius.

It has neighborhood of beautiful houses, flowers blooming silver and gold on the lawns, and grass rippling in rainbow colors. You could hear laughter and the smell of barbecue cooking. Elysium, I thought. Final resting place of heroes.

Percy might be there. I resisted the urge to go to Elysium and demand where the Son of the Sea God might be, but I figured it wouldn't be such a smart move.

"He's not there you know." Nico said, as if reading my thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"Percy's-not-there, Hazel." He said slowly.

"Nico, Elysium is the resting place of the heroes that have passed." The good heroes, anyway. How can Percy Jackson. Hero of Olympus, who sacrifice much to save the people he loves and cares about, the person who died saving the life of my brother not be in Elysium.

Nico pointed a tree near the Judgement Pavilion, where they judge whether the dead goes to the fields of Asphodel, Elysium, or Punishment.

"I saw the fates.." He described how he saw the old ladies, sitting in the rocking chair, like how Percy saw it when he was twelve years old, instead of knitting a huge pair of socks, they were knitting something else, a shape of a trident, using blue electric yarn. The lady on the right and left kept knitting the trident, the lady on the middle, took out a large gold and silver long bladed scissors, instead of cutting the thread, she left it there and the vanished. He searched for Percy's soul, approached Charon, Thanatos, even his Dad, who wasn't aware of Percy's death since he wasn't aware that he entered his domain.

"I didn't want anyone else to know yet, because I didn't want to spread rumors of something I wasn't sure of."

I waited for him to finish.

"Hazel, the thing is. Percy still might be alive."

Annabeth Chase

I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled sadly. I glanced at the owl's head, which was made out of bronze, that was chained around me neck. I placed the note inside the box, and placed it inside my pocket. I sighed.

I heard a knock on a door, and Tyson's head poked out. His eye was red, like he'd just been crying, dark circles were forming under his eyes, like most of us here at camp. "Can i come in?"

Tyson, is a son of Poseidon, he is one of the many homeless cyclopes that lived between the alleys in New York City. He has a brown calf eye, when on the mortal world, the mist makes you see two eyes, but if you really focus on him, you could still make out his eye, well, that is, if you're a half-blood, his over six feet tall, cyclopes baby.

He is the current general at the cyclopes army. I remembered when we got on a quest to the sea of monsters, when I thought that all of the cyclops were the same, cruel, vicious, and terrifying as Polyphemus, but Tyson was different. He was Percy's brother.

He slumped down on a bunk across me, which made  a squeaking sound, but he didn't seem to notice.

When he found out about the death of his half-brother, he flooded the forges, which was underwater, if that's even possible.

"Is brother really gone?" He asked.

I was about to answer, Jason came storming through the door. He was panting, beads of sweats rolling down his face. "Where have you been?!" He wiped his forehead "we've been looking all over for you."

I stood up. "What happened?" I asked.

"It's Percy "

I hurried out of the door to the Infirmary. As I got closer, campers were surrounding the door. I pushed them. Some of them tried to push me away but when they saw it was me, they just backed off.

All of them were there. The seven except, for Hazel, and Nico who was probably with Hazel. Chiron was there, on his magic wheel chair. all of them said nothing, as I notice the empty bed where Percy was suppose to be in. All around me, campers were in shock.

"Where is he?!" I demanded. Even though I had no idea on what's happening my eyes stung. "I said WHERE. IS. HE?!"

Chiron was the one who first spoke up saying, "He melted into the light. A blinding flash, and he was simply...gone."

The youtube video that I added, has no connection to the chapter I just wanted to share to y'all one of my favorite fan art videos of Percy Jackson.

Im not a professional write. So if I have you have any suggestion feel free to Private Message me, and if you enjoy this book, kindly, share this to your friends. I hope you enjoy. See you 'til the next update.

BTW I made a new book called "The Seven Reacts" i only published like one part yet. Lol. I needed your opinions first if I should continue. Check it out. :)

-Miguel hugsXpunches

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