It Only Takes Once (Chapter 16)

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"Ay boss, some nigga named Byron tried to get in to see the wifey. What should we do?" Trent asked. I was on my way back to the hospital, the nurse cleared Shakayln to be able to eat this morning and she wanted a damn buffet. I had to go to four different locations to get everything she wanted. She better be glad I love her pregnant ass.

"Let me call and see if she knows him." I said before hanging up and calling Shakayln.

"Hey babe, do you know anybody named Byron?" I asked while pulling into the parking garage.

"Yeah, he's my friend why?" She asked after a long pause.

"I was just making sure you knew him before I let him in your hospital room." I said while trying to balance the many bags of food Shakayln made me go get for her.

"Oh okay, thanks Boo and hurry back with my food." She said making me laugh.

"I'm on my way up now. Calm your tits" I said before busting out laughing.

"That's not even funny!" She said after smacking her lips. Her breast have gotten huge since she's become pregnant and all I do is talk about them, well when I'm not groping on them.

"It was to me." I said getting on the elevator and pushing the button to her floor.

"Yeah whatever, I bet it won't be funny when you try and get some tonight." She said making me roll my eyes.

"I swear you and Mika are just alike, always tryna hold out when y'all damn well know it's y'all that can't hold out." I said walking down the long corridor to her hospital room.

"Nigga please, you might want to be quiet. You know I'm competitive and I really won't give you none just to prove a point." She said getting serious.

"Whatever Shakayln, I'll see you in a minute." I said before hanging up. I saw Big Mike standing in front of Shakayln's door and some dude sitting across the hall on the bench.

"Wassup Big Mike, how you been?" I said bumping elbows with him since my hands were full.

"Sup Boss" He said simply nodding at me.

"You Byron?" I asked looking at the dude across the hall.

"Yeah" He said simply

"Come on in, sorry for the hassle, gotta keep the wife safe ya know." I said waiting for him to get up so we could just go in together.

"Food!" Shakayln hollered when I walked through the door with the bags of food in my hands. "Hey Byron" She said grinning at him.

"Hello to you too." I said to myself slightly offended.

"Hey Squirt, how ya feeling?" He asked giving her a hug and kissing her forehead.

"Hungry as hell, his mean ass starved me all night and day." Shakayln said mugging me.

"I'm sure there was a reason." Byron said shrugging before sitting on the couch.

I got out all of Shakayln's food and put it on her hospital tray and rolled it in front of her. She began saying grace with her eyes open while she was unwrapping the foil from her burrito.

I rolled my eyes and laughed before sitting in the chair next to

her bed.

"Have you heard from Devin, Chris, Victoria, and Jayde?" She asked with a mouthful of burrito.

"Shakayln that's disgusting and yes they should be back late tonight." I said scrunching up my face at her.

"Shut up!" She said throwing a bean at my head and laughing so hard that food and drool started to come out of her mouth.

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