The Tournament

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Chapter Nine- The Tournament

The next day I wait patiently next to Jett as the competitors wave to the audience. The group is mainly all year 12’s and 11’s but there is some year 10’s and the very rare year 9. Jett and I are meant to be down there with the competitors but instead we sit at the end of the benches, we will only be booed at if we tried to stand with them. I can see Troy, standing there acting cool and laughing with his stupid friends… loser. I can see Duke too, only a few people away from Troy. He must’ve won that argument last night because he is fighting. He smiles and waves at the audience but I can see he’s not quite into it.

Finally Me Dubee get’s the audience to settle down and puts an end to their infuriating cheering, sending the competitors to the benches. Jett and I are at the end, at the top with the best view for us. We will be able to see who is fighting clearly and pick up on their weaknesses and strengths and share them with each other so we are prepared for every fight.

As Duke goes to take a seat he looks towards us, considering sitting next to us. I stiffen, waiting for him to join us but he’s grabbed by Troy who encourages him to sit with him and his friends.

Mr Dubee begins a massively long and boring speech about the tradition behind the tournaments, the rules and other boring stuff that I really can’t give a rat’s tooth about. I look at Jett, he’s concentrated but not on Mr Dubee’s speech. Jett’s determined and I won’t be surprised if he hospitalises someone today.

After what seems like hours, Mr Dubee finally announces the first fighters. There will be three battles undergoing at the same time, only when the numbers really narrow down will they remove the barriers and give the full arena to two fighters.

The battles begin and Jett and I watch the fights closely. Most people don’t put up much of an interesting fight and seem to be afraid of hurting the other person but some actually try.

The battles roll on until finally, “Jett Cross and Kelly McDonald.” Mr Dubee calls out.

A smile crosses Jett’s lips. “Good luck, even though I don’t think you need it.” I whisper to him, placing my hand on his shoulder. He smirks at me, excitement in his eyes.

The audience cheers with excitement as a black-haired, tall, skinny and tanned girl bounces into the middle arena. Jett isn’t far behind her and he takes his spot opposite her, his body rigid.

Jett’s Point of View

Mr Dubee recaps the rules quickly to both of us but I ignore him. My pulse is racing, my fists tight, I need to fight. These past few days I’ve felt like I’ve just needed to release some strong force of power, to seriously hurt someone. I yelled at Eva yesterday, the look of surprise on her face has been haunting my mind since then. She didn’t understand, but I know she will. Eva is just like me so I just know it won’t be long until Eva is as angry as I am, then we will break free of this horrid school and make something of ourselves. I want to join Valentine Ikol.

“Anything even slightly funny Jett and you’ll be disqualified.” Mr Dubee threatens, so quietly and only to me so that no one else hears it.

“Shit, better be a good boy then.” I mock, a smirk painting my face. My eyes are stuck on the girl in front of me; she’s leaning on her hip watching me with arrogant interest.

 Her eyes drop to my crotch and I know she’s thinking of what underpants I’m wearing, I’ll bury you. I think to myself, my eyes narrowing further. Mr Dubee glares at me, stepping away and raising his arm into the air before thrusting it down quickly, commencing the fight.

Kelly is quick, very quick. She runs at me with great speed and prepares her toned arm for a punch. I wait for her and she punches but I drop at the last second, grabbing her fist in my hands. My smile widens, using my free hand I punch her in the gut and then kick her feet so she falls to the floor.

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