The Anger

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TTwenty-Four- The Anger

For once, I avoid Duke. Talking to him just feels like it would be wrong. I was out flying until 10pm at night but I doubt he returned anyway. My anger has cooled down but I don’t trust myself with the rudeness of my peers so I keep to the shadows, avoiding any possible human contact at all. Maybe I’m overreacting but it’s not just Duke leaving me, it’s everything. I feel alone, I feel myself getting stressed out by all these other sources and although I have the people at the mansion, I can’t just openly talk about my feelings with them. I can only do that with Jett and Duke, Jett’s got Darla now and Duke well, did I ever really have him? Everything is piling itself on me, I want to cry. I had felt so confident the day before, now it has all just crashed and burned.

I spend another day concentrating on class, when I actually try I realise I can do a lot more than I thought I could. I don’t have Duke in any of my classes for the day and I’m grateful for that, it makes avoiding him much easier.

By the end of the day however, my frustration has totally boiled over and I decide to finally do something about this. I’m strong; I can talk to Duke and set things right. There’s no point in sulking around like the loner that I am when I have the ability to not be like this.

I find him outside with a group of his friends. Why does he have to have so many friends? I grumble inwardly to myself. No, strong Eva, strong! I take a breath and walk over, giving myself as much encouraging thoughts as I can so I don’t back out.

I stop in my path, I’m only a few metres away from him, but it’s not until I’ve gotten this close that I’ve realised Darla has her arms around him. He always goes back to her! No matter how much of a bitchy-cry baby whore she is, he always goes back to her!

Frowning fiercely, I turn away, my confidence diminished yet again. I’m not pretty and I’m not nice, why would he choose me? I’m an idiot to think that I can compare with her skinny body and big boobs.

“Hey, ugly!” A male voice calls out.

Stupidly enough, I respond and turn around. A group of guys and some girls burst out laughing. They look like year 9 students, younger than me and yet they can still get to me like that.

I turn away from them, trying my best to ignore them. “Hey loner, I’m talking to you,” The same voice yells again. Bystanders had stopped to watch out exchange, I don’t want him calling out to me more and attracting more attention, especially if Duke hears and watches too. Clenching my fists, I stop. “My brother told me you destroyed a dummy.”

I continue walking as he and his friends laugh loudly, it’s not even funny, their sense of humour is in serious need of nourishment. “Fuck you, I don’t want to talk.” I mutter to myself, there’s no way he can hear me but cussing seems to let a little bit of my steam out.

Rapid footsteps on the grass alert my instincts and I turn, “Hey, I said I’m talking to you!” The annoying year 9 boy says with an annoying smile on his face. “You think you’re so cool because you’re strong but you’re going to lose because you’re the evil, you’ll always be alone.”

I clench my fists tighter, baring my teeth, “What do you wish to achieve by insulting me?” I growl, my eyes flashing with anger.

The boy laughs, probably feeling so superior, “To piss you off and it seems like it worked. What’re yo going to do? You can’t do anything because you’ll get expelled!”

“Watch me.” I snap, punching him in the face.

He falls to the ground, clutching his face and rolling around as if I had just poured boiling water on it. I look up from him and see a crowd had formed, great that’s exactly what I wanted. They whisper to their friends,  shooting me dirty looks of disgust and disapproval.

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