The Return

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Chapter Twenty-Three – The Return

-Duke’s Point of View-

“Welcome back to another term everyone,” Miss Davidson addresses the student body. She’s dressed up for our opening assembly and she smiles at everyone warmly.

I yawn, already bored. I’m sitting at the front because I’m receiving an award. Darla sits behind me; she too is receiving an award for kindness and bravery. I think it’s just because she broke her ankle.

My holidays were pretty boring, a few days we had some ‘family fun days’ and although they were childish and I shouldn’t have enjoyed it, I did. I caught up with Darla who just talked and talked about girly subjects the whole time and sometimes bitched about people in our school, including Jett and Eva. I had un-intentionally glared at her once she bad-mouthed them and she quickly changed the subject. 

Eva hardly left my mind the whole time, seeing her leave with those people was wrong. I wanted to say so much more to her. I don’t know what I wanted to say and I spent the whole holidays trying to think of what but I could never put my thoughts into words. I don’t know if I’ll see her again now, those people looked threatening and the way Jett willingly left with them makes me think that Eva had willingly chose it too. I just wish I can see her again.

A first year class walks off the stage after they had sung a song to us. I heard Darla ‘aw’ through practically the whole thing; she tapped my shoulder half way through saying, “Aren’t they cute? Don’t you just want kids of your own?” Definitely not with you. I had thought to myself, why am I even thinking like that? I had stayed by Darla's side when she hurt her ankle and for that technically Darla and I got back together after the dance was over but I feel like we’re more apart than we’ve ever been. Maybe It’s time I finally ended this.

Miss Davidson suddenly stops mid-sentence. Her jaw drops before she quickly shuts it, surprised gasps erupt from the crowd. The sound of people’s chairs moving as they turn echo through the hall.

I turn my head, curious of all the commotion. There standing at the door of the hall with red hair is Eva. She stands there out of her uniform, in some ripped jeans, Doc Martins, a zombie top and numerous accessories, like a pair of long finger-less gloves even though it’s pretty warm. Eva didn’t have much of a variety of clothes but all of this is new.  The room is silent as they watch her.

“Don’t mind me.” She calls from across the hall, waving her hand at Miss Davidson, gesturing for her to continue.

“Why are you here?” Miss Davidson asks, astonished at her appearance. Everyone in the room turns their heads back to Miss Davidson as she speaks.

“You didn’t expel me remember, or was that a mistake?” Eva taunts, folding her arms. We turn our heads back to Eva.

Miss Davidson fumbles with her words, not knowing what to say. Finally remembers how to speak as says, flustered, “N-no that’s not what I meant. Please take a seat.”

Eva sits at the back; a few kids get up and move further away from her. She puts one of her legs on the chair in front of her and folds her arms, the assembly continues.

Eva’s back! Is all I can think about through the whole assembly and what I should say when I get to speak to her.

-Eva’s Point of View-

The rest of the assembly is pretty boring. I can’t relax no matter how hard I try, all I can think about is the mansion and training. To have a whole day where I’ve done nothing but sit on my ass is giving me severe restlessness.

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