The Animal Link

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Chapter Eighteen- The Animal Link

The first thing I think when I see Valentine is that he looks like an older version of Blade. His hair is black and he’s tall but as I get a closer look I can see the differences- of course apart from the many tattoos and piercings Blade has. Valentine’s posture is rigid and dignified, my eyes study him and his eyes look to mine. They’re white, like when you wear contacts. They shine with the moonlight reflecting on them. A large scar runs down the side of his face and his lip twitches into a small smile to me.  He looks frightening but his eyes and smile are gentle and caring. Still, I’m glad I’m not his enemy; I much prefer that smile to whatever his frown must be.

“Good evening.” Valentine projects his voice to everyone, taking a seat in the large chair at the end of the table, “It’s a pleasure to have you finally join us, Jett and Eva.”

His voice is powerful and looks straight into all of our eyes with his intimidating ones. “With your help, we with the dark powers will finally be heard; we won’t be treated like we’re problems anymore…”

Valentine has such charisma I find myself hanging off every word he speaks. His eyes burn with passion as he speaks of his dream, with each conviction my mind becomes more set. He is my master, my leader. He knows of our troubles, he has experienced them all too. He’s one of us- dark powered but he is meant to lead us. Suddenly I can understand the look in Darcy’s eyes as she talking of Valentine, or the strength Blade gets when his Master is mentioned. I would never be able to lead, Valentine’s tactics and decisions are calculated carefully, I don’t care enough for my own life or others and he cares for both. I will lead him to his dream.

Valentine finishes his speech and I almost clap I’m so changed by it. Luckily Blade talks before I do something embarrassing, “Welcome back, Uncle. How long will you be able to stay with us?” he asks, Valentine switches his gaze from Jett and I to his nephew who he smiles warmly at.

“Thank you, Blade. I have quite a bit of strategy work to do and I like to do it here in the peacefulness of nowhere rather than that busy city, so I will stay here for just over two weeks, I’ll check on all of your training as many times as I can to see if I can help out or something.” I smile, unable to keep back my happiness anymore.

Bernard and a few maids walk in, carrying plates of food. They put them in the middle of us, there’s a roast lamb, sweet potatoes, lots of veggies, some bread and rice. We take whatever food that interests us onto our plates, eagerly digging into our food. Of course it’s simply delectable, which I have come to learn is all the food here quickly. It makes me wonder how James, Troy’s brother, even became a chef.

“So Eva and Jett, can you morph yet?” Valentine asks us, before eating a piece of potato.

Jett and I shake our heads regretfully. Morphing sounds so cool, once I had seen Darcy do it I knew that I had to learn it for myself.

“It’s lots of fun! You see, you naturally connect with a certain animal species and once you learn what one it is you can learn to morph into one.” Darcy explains with her eyes full of excitement.

Valentine laughs a good natured laugh, “Yes, we can speak to them too. It’s quiet useful, especially since most light powered people can’t even speak to the animal they link with. I link with a fruit bat; it’s always helpful when you can fly. I know someone who links with a bull, which would become a pain I think, you’d be so big and heavy, good for knocking someone down though, am I right?”

Valentine lets out a bark of laughter, Darcy laughs loudly too and Blade, Jett and I laugh slightly. “I can’t wait to find out what animal I connect with!” Jett announces eagerly.

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