The People of Atmos

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Chapter Twenty-One – The People of Atmos

Jett and I walk down the halls of the mansion’ we had been summoned by Valentine to meet with him in his study. It’s 9am Saturday morning; we barely had time to eat when we were called.

I haven’t seen Blade since last night; his actions confused me and had kept me awake for a few hours last night. I don’t think it meant anything especially considering the look he gave me when he left. I’m pretty sure I was an experiment for him.

We finally reach the Master’s quarters. I’m grateful for something to distract my mind. Jett knocks a few times and we wait for a reply. “Enter.” Valentine’s voice carries out from inside the room.

Jett opens the door and we walk inside. Valentine is sitting at his desk, writing something. He looks up at us and leans back, folding his hands relaxingly together.

“Take a seat.” He gestures to the two seats before him. Jett and I obey silently, sitting down before him. “Would you like a cookie?” He offers, picking up a plate of cookies and holding it in front of us.

I shake my head and say a polite, no thank you but Jett eagerly takes one into his mouth. Valentine smiles friendly at us, “So you’re probably wondering why I wanted you here.” He begins, leaning forward.

“You want to talk to us?” Jett guesses, taking another cookie.

Valentine laughs slightly, “No, I mean why I wanted you here, at the mansion.”

Jett and I look at each other and then back at Valentine, isn’t it just because we’re going through Succession? “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to give you an explanation.” He apologises.

We wait for Valentine to continue; he takes a cookie from the plate and sinks his teeth into it, nodding his head with pleasure, “Good cookies.” He whispers to himself as he finishes the cookie.

“Okay, get comfy because this will be a long story.” Valentine instructs, like a father about to read his children a bedtime story, a warm smile across his face.

Jett and I shuffle slightly in our seats; I sink back further into the chair. It’s red cushiony pillows are comfy.

“Hm, where do I start? Well you see, thousands of years ago, a meteorite dropped from the sky and plummeted down into the earth in a forest. A village was living close by and one day a hunter found the rock. He told the village and they all gathered around it, staring in awe and some of the braver ones touching it. One night it suddenly explodes with a light, amazing different colours shoot out from it, making everything around it shine beautifully. The village was granted with powers. After everyone in the village received this power, the rock combusted into millions of pieces. The villagers dispersed in search of these fragments, some sold them and others kept them but some never found a piece.

The village soon realised that they could do different things that they never used to be able to do. They discovered they had magic. Some had powers that involved light, defence and healing, others had more attack powers with darkness.

The villages called themselves the people of Atmos from the word atmosphere, because of the meteorite came from the sky. People with the light powers were called Lumin because their powers could look luminous. The dark was referred to as Tene for tenebrous, which means dark.

There wasn’t the idea that people who were Lumin were ‘good’ and Tene people were ‘bad’. It wasn’t until hundreds of years later when a Tene person rounded up a large group of strong people and because his plan was an offence the majority of Atmos who joined were Tene.

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