The Mansion

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Chapter Seventeen- The Mansion

The air is cold around me and an even colder breeze picks up; causing me to shiver. Dark shadows in the shape of trees and shrubs surround us- in the night they look like a child’s imaginative monster but I think it would be rather nice in the daylight. Blade, Darcy, Jett and I walk along a long drive way to the massive mansion looming darkly over us. The road is rocky, old fashioned lamps light up our path. Sometimes the path opens out and leads off into a garden or walkway.

The trees open up more and I can see the mansion better; it’s enormous, even bigger than I thought it would be. It looks like an old English Victorian mansion but it’s so big it could almost pass for a castle. Trees rise up near it and an extravagant garden with a fountain greets us at the front.

It’s taken us almost 10 minutes from when we first appeared at the gate to reach the steps of Valentine Ikol’s mansion. Maroon double doors open at our arrival and an older man in a suit is standing there waiting for us.

My palms are sweaty with nervousness; it’s weird to think that I’m actually here, the mansion of one of the main superpowers in this war. From what I’ve heard from gossip, Valentine is cruel and fearful who has a dangerous army of brutal dark powers but from what I’ve heard from Blade and Darcy- Valentine is the father of a bunch of dark-powered rejects who follow him loyally.

The man clears his throat and my attention is drawn to back to him, his hair is white, wrinkles cover his face and I guess him to be a butler. He wears soft white gloves and the V is printed on the pocket of his blazer.

“Good evening Master Blade, Mistress Darcy. I believe you two must be Master Jett and Mistress Eva, am I correct?” The old man says, his voice is dignified and disciplined but I could sense a hint of gentleness.

Mistress Eva! How many years has it been since someone last addressed me with such importance? “Bernard, can you take these up to my room? We’ll show Jett and Eva their rooms.” Blade gives his cane and top hat to Bernard who bows and heads of briskly up a large flight of stairs.

Darcy grabs my hand, “Come on I’ll show you to your room. It’s this way.”

She brings me up the great brown stairs and down a hallway. There are rooms everywhere, everything is decorated magnifically and I can spot even a speck of dust. Eventually we reach the end of the hall and she opens a large double door. The room is as big as our school hall!

Stairs spiral down into what looks to be some sort of library or study with comfy chairs and couches and other furniture. We stand on the balcony over the area and there are heaps of rooms. Darcy points down the steps, “This is where we meet and talk, us of Valentine’s disciples I mean.”

She takes me past the stairs to where the rooms are, the railing circles the area underneath so that you can clearly see a group of chairs seated in the centre. We stop at a fourth room to the right and I walk in with Darcy.

It’s beautiful, the size of my old, old room. I step into it, a King sized bed is next a large window with red curtains. Two chairs and a table are at the corner and there is a bathroom with walk in wardrobe.

“It’s amazing.” Tears sting my eyes as I speak; the room reminds me of my childhood so much. Minus all the dolls and stuffed toys I had, this place looks very similar.

“All your belongings are in those boxes over there, one of the maids would have put your clothes away already. You can unpack the rest in the morning, for now how about you get some rest?” Darcy gestures to some boxes by the window, I only noticed them then. My cello and guitar are there too.

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