The Wanted

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Chapter Thirteen- The Wanted

I don't care. My footsteps are loud as my bulky chained boots thump across the floor. You want evil and mean? I'll give it to you.

It's the next day after school, we went through the day, ignoring everyone and acting as if we didn't exist. We'll prepare our revenge when it's late and everyone is settling into their beds.

The school dance is coming up soon, people are getting excited: asking people to go with them, choosing their outfits, discussing what their hair will look like. We always have the dance a week before school ends for the term and we have a two week holiday break before going back to school for one last term. Jett and I haven't attended one since year 9. That year we both received a letter to meet a secret admirer in the aquatic centre and stupidly enough we believed it and were pushed into the pool.

Revenge is never too late; their happy little dance will be ruined.

I nod to Jett from across the hall and begin setting the traps. This will be more than a prank, people can actually get hurt an that's what I'm counting on. I want to see people in pain, I want to see them cower before me and Jett as we finally get to stand up to them.

We leave the hall once everything is set, the dance on Friday in two weeks and the traps if anyone happens to find them will look just like props or effects for the dance and assume someone has left them there and leave it alone. Light powered people are too trusting. I high five Jett as we leave the hall and head back to our dorm rooms.

-Duke's Point of View-

"Eva and Jett have seen your parents and I haven't?" Darla cries the look of betrayal clear on her face.

We are having yet another fight, on Friday, again. "They were saying goodbye to me when they picked me up and I introduced them to each other." I say, these constant fights are really beginning to take a toll on me.

"Duke, what is this? Do you want us to be together?" She's pacing around the room, yelling at me through her sobs.

"Yes of course I do, it's just..." I can't finish, how can I tell her: the girl who always brags about the purity of the light, how can I tell her about my parents?

"Just what Duke?" She snaps, stopping her pace and fixing her gaze on me, begging for an answer.

"I'm just worried you won't like them..." I mumble, feeling defeated.

"Why would I not like them?" She questions, throwing her arms out in exasperation.

I breathe in, I have to tell her if I want to keep her but I might lose her instead. "Darla..." I begin, walking closer to her. I put my hands on her face and she looks away from me.

"It hurts me that you don't trust me." She whispers, her eyes red.

I kiss her softly on the cheek, "I do trust you."

She looks at me, "Then tell me."

I'm silent, I can't find the words. Darla sighs and releases herself from me, "Fine." She pushes past me and heads for the door.

"Wait Darla, my parents... they're dark powered." I finally say and it stops her in her path, her hand lightly touching the knob of the door. She slowly turns to face me, "I didn't tell you because I thought you would leave me." A part of me felt relief for finally telling her, but the other part of me was filled with fear.

Darla shakes her head, biting her lip as more tears stream down her cheeks, she hugs me tightly, "Duke, I don't care, I love you; it's not your fault that you were born into a family of dark powered people."

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