The Beautiful

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Chapter Sixteen- The Beautiful

It's Sunday evening, only a week left of school and then I will join Blade and Darcy in the mansion. I'm excited but I wonder will I return to school after the holidays? If things are good enough maybe I won't. Yet leaving this place even though it has been a prison it has also been my home. Not to mention there's Duke.

A knock on my door makes me jump. I was sitting on my bed reading the new Rock Sound issue that I bought from the city yesterday. "Uh come in..." I call from inside the room, Jett hardly ever knocks.

Only it's not Jett, it's Duke. "Hey," He greets, sitting down opposite me on my bed.

"Why are you here?" I ask, closing my magazine and putting it down.

"Do I need a reason to see a friend?" He replies with a smile.

I shrug, "I guess not." I suppose Duke must've came home from his parents house not too long ago.

Duke reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a small black box with a red ribbon on it, he lifts it up to me "I got something for you, open it up."

He grabs my hand and places the box on my palm; it's heavier than it looks. "Why did you get me something?" I ask suspiciously, frowning.

"Just open it up." He gestures for me to continue.

I pull one end of the red ribbon, breaking its bow form and the strings flop down to its sides. I lift the lip on the box, a beautiful black rose pendant is softly resting on the black padded box. I gasp at its beauty, lifting the black chain up.

Delicate sparkly black swirls dance around its edges, I shake my head, still in awe. "Why the hell did you get me this?"

Duke opens his hand out and I put the necklace in his hand. "I want you to wear it, to the dance. Here turn around and I'll put it on."

My heart rate increases as I turn around in my seat, lifting my hair up and out of the way. Duke puts the necklace over my head and clips it up at the back. The necklace feels cold against my bear neck, Duke's hands are warm and soft against my skin.

"I found it when I went shopping with my parents, I instantly thought of you when we talked in the garden. Do you like it?" His voice is quiet; almost as if he's scared I might say no.

I turn to face him again, letting my hair flop back down onto my back. I touch the rose with my fingers; it fits perfectly and will stand out with my dress. "I love it Duke, but why did you get this for me?"

 I know to ask him this question will make him very uneasy and the silence that follows only makes me think he isn't even sure why he bought it himself. I wait patiently, wishing he would pull me closer to him and kiss me. Finally he opens his mouth to speak, "Sometimes I feel you think that your parents disowned you because you weren't good enough. I felt like you needed something to remind you that you really are beautiful."

I stare at him for a while, why is he so nice? His compliment is so sweet and from his heart, "Thank you Duke" Is all I can say, my voice shaking.

He smiles, "You're welcome anything for a friend."

Duke's words after he gave me the necklace have sent me into serious confusion. He's incredibly nice to me and surely he must have some small feeling for me at least, yet every time I feel like we're a little bit closer; he either gets back with Darla or says I'm just a friend.

At least for the whole week he hangs out with Jett and I, he doesn't even speak with Darla. I should be happy that Duke was with us while Darla and Troy were with each other but I couldn't enjoy it properly. I know Duke feels there's something missing; who wouldn't when your break up over something as stupid as they did. Maybe all of their disagreements and fighting had finally caught up to them.

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