The Punished

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Chapter Six- The punished

I make my way over to the dining hall; Duke and Jett are getting changed. We are all going to sit together and then do the detention. I take a plate from the front and write down what I want to eat on a piece of paper before walking to sit in my normal spot, in the corner and way from everyone else. Usually when everyone in the school is here, a large amount of food is prepared and everyone just takes the food they want and it is magically enhanced so, if it ran out of food on the plate and you wanted more, you simply tap a few times next to the plate and it is replaced by more.

When no one is here however, it’s better because you get to chose what you want, instead of the teachers or chefs choosing. The cooks make it and then teleport it to the plates, teleportation is pretty difficult but anyone can learn it, light or dark.

After a few minutes of waiting, food appears on my plate, only it’s not what I had ordered. I ordered some chicken with rice and vegetables. This is definitely not that, I have no idea what is actually is. It’s a pale yellow colour with some green parts and smells terrible. I pick up my plate and walk to the front of the dining hall where the door to the kitchen is and knock on the door.

A cook opens the door; he looks pretty young with messy brown hair and brown eyes with sun-tanned skin. He looks vaguely familiar and he frowns at me. “What do you want?” He snaps, glaring at me.

I pause, avoiding the urge to slap him. He’s meant to be making my food, I should try and be polite. “Uh.. I asked for chicken with some rice and vegetables… did I get someone else’s or-“

The cook cuts me off, “It’s for you.” He says bluntly, trying to close the door,.

“But I don’t know what’s in this thing, I mean no offence but it looks like someone has mashed food together and threw it on a plate.” I quickly say, raising my voice and grabbing the door before he can close it on me.

“That’s what it is.” He snaps, trying to close the door again, we were both using our strength to either open or close the door.

“But what’s in it and why are you giving me this?” I call out again, this time putting my foot between the door and the frame.

He pushes my foot away with his, “It’s a gift for you from me, Troy’s brother.”  

I swallow and Troy’s brother pushes me out the way. I roll my eyes and walk back over to my seat, sitting back down and sighing. This sucks, I wasn’t even using all my strength on Troy and yet it’s enough to make him to cry to his older brother.

I sigh again, resting my cheek on my palm and stabbing the mush with my fork. Duke and Jett walk in, I look up at them to see them having an enjoyable conversation. They walk down to the front and write down what they want too. I can’t believe Duke is actually hanging out with us considering a week ago we didn’t even make eye contact.

They walk back to where I’m sitting and put the plates down, sitting opposite me. “Evening sexy.” Jett greets sticking his tongue out and winking.

I lift my fork up and a piece of mush comes with it, I pull my fork back with my fingers and flick it at him. It lands on his face and he screws his face up with disgust, “What the hell did you just fling at me?” Jett cries, wiping the food off his face and onto the table.

“My dinner.” I mumble miserably. The more I stare at the thing, the more I don’t want to eat it.

Jett makes a ‘pfft’ raspberry sound, “Why did you order that?”

“I didn’t, Troy’s brother made it especially for me.” I sigh.

“That’s not like him, if anything I’ve seen him give out sweets randomly to people.” Duke mutters, his face pulled down into a frown again.

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